Optometry Led Community Eye Care Services for North West London (Offerte №100354690it)


Nazione: Anguilla
Linguaggio: AI
Numero: 100354690
Data pubblicazione: 27-02-2024


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Accesso completo
Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply and delivery of plants. Specifications: - Pl - Annu - 6 Pack - Petunias - 6 Packs x 100, - Pl - Annu - 6 Pack - Gazanias - 6 Packs x 100, - Pl - Agpr - 4l - Agapanthus Praecox - 4l x 100, - Pl - Stre - 10l - Strelizia Reginae - 10l x 20, - Pl - Annu - 6 Pack - River Stone 150 - 220mm - M3 - 6 Packs x 40. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Bids are hereby requested for the following: Supply and delivery of shipping containers, 6m for Paarl Night Shelter: Scope of work: - Supply and delivery (2x) 6m X 2.440 Grade B steel shipping containers, - The work comprises the supply of all materials, labour, equipment, transport and all other requirements required to complete the works. The extent of the work by the Contractor must be of such a nature that no additional cost by the Council will be necessary to utilise the new work/building. Steel shipping containers to be delivered to Paarl Night Shelter at Van der Merwe Street, Erf 28700. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply & repair museum buildings & fences. Specifications: A: Picket Fence: size: 24m w x 26m L: 1. Remove all peeling paint and clean all surfaces, 2. Prime the timber with acrylic or latex primer, 3. Paint with two coats of white acrylic paint, 4. Remove roots & reassemble existing fence, B: Pitt street house: 1. Supply & paint entire roof (52 SQ.M) with Duram or similar approved roof paint (red), 2. Replace existing damaged planks with tongue & groove pine ceiling planks (20 SQ.M), 3. Prime the timber with acrylic or latex primer, 4. Paint with two coats of white acrylic paint, - Pitt street house roof: 1. Supply & replace roof sheets: 9 x 4m: 0.48BMT corrugated iron (paint red), 2. Supply and install seamless roof flashings to waterproof the corrugated iron sheets x 3.500mm (paint red), 3. Supply and install roof ridge capping 231 x 231 x 7m (paint red), C: Millwood house: 1. Supply and install existing damaged planks with tongue & groove pine ceiling planks x 10, 2. Prime the timber with acrylic or latex primer, 3. Paint with two coats of white acrylic paint, - Gutters - Millwood house: Supply and install seamless PVC round gutters and one down pipe with a shoe, D: Old Gaol Museum - Visitor’s Room & toilet: 1. Clean & remove paint stains on floor, 2. Repair and paint door, 3. Supply & install a hook & eye latch on visitor’s door, 4. Supply and install ventilator pipes - Men’s toilet, 5. Supply & install wooden toilet seats x 2, - Old Gaol palisade fence: 1. Supply and install 2 x footings on palisade. Cold galvanize welded posts, - Crack on wall: Courtyard: Remove roots/trees embedded into walls, insert poison and repair the cracks. - Roof leak: Coffee Shop: 1. Supply & replace 7 x roof sheets: 2m x 0.5mm galvanized IBR, 2. Hammer into place planks in the louvers, - Old Gaol floors: 1. Refresh vanished floors (entrance foyer & maritime exhibition’s room). Patch & repair all holes using wood filler. Sand the floors. Stain with oil based oak coloured vanish, 2. Paint stoop area with heritage blue oil based stoop paint. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Re-Advertisement: Bids are hereby invited for the appointment of a service provider for the supply and delivery of promotional material (branded) for libraries as per specifications. Scope: • Pencil cases; • Conference bag with black handle; • Non-woven shopper bags; • Mouse pad; • Silicone wristbands; • Table cloths. NB: Please note that all materials is to be branded with Rustenburg Local Municipality: Library and Information Services. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Provision of Slow speed Shredder Fonte: Sell2Wales – Government´s Initiative

Design, Operate and Maintain a Solar Farm with Private Wire Connection at Coed Ely Fonte: Sell2Wales – Government´s Initiative