Q1215 - Private Dwelling Single Story Extensions - Qty 5 (DFG) (Offerte №97585899it)


Nazione: Anguilla
Linguaggio: AI
Numero: 97585899
Data pubblicazione: 10-01-2024


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Accesso completo
Re-advertisement: Umzimvubu Local Municipality hereby invite the Service Providers for procurement of Cellphone and Tools of Trade Contract for a period of three years. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Prospective service providers are hereby requested to quote on supply and delivery of pottery material for Sydney Maseko CLC. Specification: - Clay balls (20 Litre) x 5, - Terracota (20 kg) x 5, - White Earthware (20 Kg) x 5, - Casting slip (Ready mix) clay or liquid clay (20 kg) x 5, - Mould for dinner set, tea sets, plates and small vases x 5, - Paints (Onglaze and underglaze colour paints) all colours set x 5, - Glazes (Transparent glaze and all colours) x 5, - Transfers(set) x 5, - Canvas cloth roll x 1, - Paint Brushes x 12. Please note this quotation was published late. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply and delivery of grating and plates: - Grating: HD; 2500 x 90mm; R540; Galvanized; - Plate: Checker Plate;2500 x 2750mm; 6mm; - Plate: VRN 500 Plate; 2700 x 1500mm; 1.4313; - Plate: VRN 500 Plate; 2700 x 1500 x 16mm. Deliver to: Kendal Power Station (Near Ogies on Jhb/Witbank Road), Main Store, Witbank, 1035. Delivery Date: 24/02/2024. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Procurement service for SAPS, Emanguzi cabling required. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Stationery & office accessories: Supply of 120 x book; map street guide; scale 1:20000. Delivery Date: 2024/01/29. Delivery to Logistics - Ndabeni Store, Materials Store. Delivery Address: 25 Oude Molen Road, Ndabeni. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

External Audit service Fonte: Sell2Wales – Government´s Initiative