Homeless Prevention Support (Offerte №99875224it)


Nazione: Anguilla
Linguaggio: AI
Numero: 99875224
Data pubblicazione: 19-02-2024


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Motore di ricerca leader per gare e acquisti in Russia e nel mondo

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Accesso completo
Molemole Local Municipality hereby invites prospective service provider to submit bids for the following: Renovation of Morebeng Landfill Site. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

The Beaufort West Municipality hereby invites suppliers to submit bid for the supply and delivery of water meters and accessories for a period of 3 years. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

The Beaufort West Municipality hereby invites service providers for the supply, delivery and installation of an A4 folding & pressure sealer machine with a touch screen display for a period of 3 years. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Great Kei Municipality hereby invites submission of Quotations for the following Projects: Repairs and Maintenance of Toilets (Qumrha). Please confirm the closing time as it was not published. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

The Local Council for Beaufort West is offering for sale the single residential zone 1 property, as defined in the Zoning Scheme By-law applicable to Beaufort West Municipal jurisdiction area: Nelspoort, Erf no: 153, Extent: Approximately 595 m², Address: Land Street, Minimum price including VAT: R23 000. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Appointment of a suitable service provider to develop a comprehensive control plan for the eradication of alien and invasive plants species at Paarl Wastewater Treatment Plant. Scope: The service provider must adopt a phased approach in the development of the plan. It is imperative for the appointed service provider to perform the following key project activities: - Phase 1: Development of inception report; - Phase 2: Development of the alien and invasive plants situational analysis (Also including mapping, land use, GPS coordinates, Administrative district, property size, landowner details, contact details of the landowner, legislative requirements); - Phase 3: Presentation of appropriate scenarios for the eradication of alien and invasive plants species, and as well as best practical environmental options or alternatives; - Phase 4: Development of the implementation plan. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS