延安市安塞区水利工作队安塞区农村饮水安全暨农业灌溉工程计量设施安装项目竞争性谈判公告 (Offerte №93417554it)


Nazione: China
Linguaggio: CN
Numero: 93417554
Data pubblicazione: 31-10-2023


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Accesso completo
Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply and delivery of tar cutter. Scope: - Max Cutting Depth (mm): 80; - Water Tank Capacity: 12L; - Power (hp): 5.5; - Blade Size (mm): 300-500; - Weight (kg): 64/128; - Qty: 01. The Tar Cutter to be delivered to Dzanani Regional Office. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply and delivery of generator for Thendo Star Farming Cooperative. Scope: - Genset 6.0KVA Diesel – Trolley; - Qty: 01. Generator to be delivered to Khunda. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Service & Maintenance of SS Fire Alarm System. Scope of work: - Service and pre-service check, - Analogue values check, - Zoning check, - Output configuration, - Isolated devices check - Check if the Isolate-fire or Isolate-security LED’s on the front of the panel is illuminated, - Test the alarms - Test all detectors linked to the fire panel, - Time and date set - Set the correct time and date on the panel, if necessary, - Sounder test, - Power supply test, - Fault test, - Panel controls test - Check that all control functions, the accept, reset and EVAC keys, are operating correctly and are correctly enabled and disabled by the controls off key-switch, - Monitor earth leakage, - Connection checks, - Battery replacement checks, - Battery operation check - Check that the battery is healthy, - Building changes check, - Output test - Test, as thoroughly as is practical, that the input/output mappings are operating as programmed, - Cable checks - Inspect cables, fittings, connections and equipment to ensure they are undamaged, secure and adequately protected. Professional service is required to service fire alarm at the Laboratory Scientific Services. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

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