Furniture (№27792286)

23 oct

Numero: 27792286

Nazione: Finland

Fonte: TED



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20231018Regional or local Agency/OfficeContract award noticeSuppliesOpen procedureEuropean Union, with participation by GPA countriesNot applicableThe most economic tenderHealth01B0301
  1. Section I
    1. Name and addresses
      Pohjois-Pohjanmaan hyvinvointialue
      PL 10
      Telephone: +358 447034082
      E-mail: [email protected]
    2. Type of the contracting authority:
      Regional or local agency/office
    3. Main activity:
  2. Section II
    1. Scope of the procurement:
      1. Title:

        Haapajärven sote-keskuksen uudisrakennusosan irtokalusteet Pohjois-Pohjanmaan hyvinvointialueelle

      2. Main CPV code:
        39100000, 39130000, 39100000, 39100000, 39100000
      3. Type of contract:
      4. Short description:

        Haapajärven sote-keskuksen uudisrakennusosan irtokalusteiden hankinta Pohjois-Pohjanmaan hyvinvointialueelle. Hankinta ylittää EU-kynnysarvon, koska Pohjois-Pohjanmaan hyvinvointialueelle hankitaan kuluvan vuoden aikana useammalle sote-keskukselle ja palvelukeskukselle irtokalusteita, jotka yhdessä ylittävät EU-kynnysarvon.

        Haapajärven sote-keskuksen osoite: Männistönkatu 6, Haapajärvi.

        Tilat sijaitsevat yhdessä (1) kerroksessa.

        Hankinta on jaettu neljään (4) osatarjousryhmään seuraavasti:

        1. Toimistokalusteet

        2. Odotustilojen kalusteet

        3. Taukotilojen kalusteet

        4. Ruokailu- ja oleskelutilojen kalusteet.


        Tilat arvioidaan valmistuvan 7/2023 ja toimistokalusteiden irtokalusteet (työpöydät, työtuolit ja muut verhoilemattomat tuotteet) tulee toimittaa mahdollisimman pian, mutta kuitenkin viimeistään kuusi (6) viikkoa tilauksesta. Muiden verhoiltavien irtokalusteiden toimitus ja asennus tulee aloittaa 8 viikkoa sitovan tilauksen jälkeen siten, että kalusteet ovat valmiina käyttökuntoon asennettuna 9 viikkoa sitovasta tilauksesta, mikäli muuta ei sovita.

      5. Information about lots:
        This contract is divided into lots: yes
      6. Total value of the procurement:
        Value excluding VAT: 91 500.00 EUR
    2. Description
      1. Title:

        Ryhmä 1. Toimistokalusteet

      2. Additional CPV code(s):
      3. Place of performance:
      4. Description of the procurement:

        Ryhmässä 1 pyydämme tarjoustanne: toimistokalusteet tarjouspyynnön ja sen liitteiden mukaisesti.

      5. Award criteria:
        Quality criterion - Name: Laatu / Weighting: 15
        Price - Weighting: 85
      6. Information about options:
        Options: no
      7. Information about European Union funds:
        The procurement is related to a project and/or programme financed by European Union funds: no
      8. Additional information:
      9. Title:

        Ryhmä 2. Odotustilojen kalusteet

      10. Additional CPV code(s):
      11. Place of performance:
      12. Description of the procurement:

        Ryhmässä 2 pyydämme tarjoustanne: odotustilojen kalusteet tämän tarjouspyynnön ja sen liitteiden mukaisesti.

      13. Award criteria:
        Quality criterion - Name: Laatu / Weighting: 15
        Price - Weighting: 85
      14. Information about options:
        Options: no
      15. Information about European Union funds:
        The procurement is related to a project and/or programme financed by European Union funds: no
      16. Additional information:
      17. Title:

        Ryhmä 3. Taukotilojen kalusteet

      18. Additional CPV code(s):
      19. Place of performance:
      20. Description of the procurement:

        Ryhmässä 3 pyydämme tarjoustanne: taukotilojen kalusteet tämän tarjouspyynnön ja sen liitteiden mukaisesti.

      21. Award criteria:
        Quality criterion - Name: Laatu / Weighting: 15
        Price - Weighting: 85
      22. Information about options:
        Options: no
      23. Information about European Union funds:
        The procurement is related to a project and/or programme financed by European Union funds: no
      24. Additional information:
      25. Title:

        Ryhmä 4. Ruokailu- ja oleskelutilojen kalusteet

      26. Additional CPV code(s):
      27. Place of performance:
      28. Description of the procurement:

        Ryhmässä 4 pyydämme tarjoustanne: ruokailu- ja oleskelutilojen kalusteet tämän tarjouspyynnön ja sen liitteiden mukaisesti.

      29. Award criteria:
        Quality criterion - Name: Laatu / Weighting: 15
        Price - Weighting: 85
      30. Information about options:
        Options: no
      31. Information about European Union funds:
        The procurement is related to a project and/or programme financed by European Union funds: no
      32. Additional information:
  3. Section IV
    1. Description:
      1. Type of procedure:
        Open procedure
      2. Information about a framework agreement or a dynamic purchasing system:
      3. Information about electronic auction:
      4. Information about the Government Procurement Agreement (GPA):
        The procurement is covered by the Government Procurement Agreement: yes
    2. Administrative information:
      1. Previous publication concerning this procedure:
        Notice number in the OJ S: 2023/S 127-404181
      2. Information about termination of dynamic purchasing system:
      3. Information about termination of call for competition in the form of a prior information notice:
  4. Section V
    1. Contract No: Monetra E45/2023
      Lot No: 1

      Ryhmä 1. Toimistokalusteet

    2. Award of contract
      1. Date of conclusion of the contract: 2023-10-13
      2. Information about tenders:
        Number of tenders received: 5
        Number of tenders received from SMEs: 2
        Number of tenders received by electronic means: 5
        The contract has been awarded to a group of economic operators: no
      3. Name and address of the contractor:
        Modeo Oy
        Hämeentie 157
        The contractor is an SME: yes
      4. Information on value of the contract/lot (excluding VAT):

        Total value of the contract/lot: 42 500.00 EUR
      5. Information about subcontracting:

        Contract No: Monetra E45/2023
        Lot No: 2

        Ryhmä 2. Odotustilojen kalusteet

      6. Award of contract
        1. Date of conclusion of the contract: 2023-10-13
        2. Information about tenders:
          Number of tenders received: 5
          Number of tenders received from SMEs: 2
          Number of tenders received by electronic means: 5
          The contract has been awarded to a group of economic operators: no
        3. Name and address of the contractor:
          Modeo Oy
          Hämeentie 157
          The contractor is an SME: yes
        4. Information on value of the contract/lot (excluding VAT):

          Total value of the contract/lot: 5 000.00 EUR
        5. Information about subcontracting:

          Contract No: Monetra E45/2023
          Lot No: 3

          Ryhmä 3. Taukotilojen kalusteet

        6. Award of contract
          1. Date of conclusion of the contract: 2023-10-13
          2. Information about tenders:
            Number of tenders received: 5
            Number of tenders received from SMEs: 2
            Number of tenders received by electronic means: 5
            The contract has been awarded to a group of economic operators: no
          3. Name and address of the contractor:
            Isku Interior Oy
            Mukkulankatu 19
            The contractor is an SME: no
          4. Information on value of the contract/lot (excluding VAT):

            Total value of the contract/lot: 22 500.00 EUR
          5. Information about subcontracting:

            Contract No: Monetra E45/2023
            Lot No: 4

            Ryhmä 4. Ruokailu- ja oleskelutilojen kalusteet

          6. Award of contract
            1. Date of conclusion of the contract: 2023-10-16
            2. Information about tenders:
              Number of tenders received: 5
              Number of tenders received from SMEs: 2
              Number of tenders received by electronic means: 5
              The contract has been awarded to a group of economic operators: no
            3. Name and address of the contractor:
              Kinnarps Oy
              Rälssintie 2
              The contractor is an SME: yes
            4. Information on value of the contract/lot (excluding VAT):

              Total value of the contract/lot: 21 500.00 EUR
            5. Information about subcontracting:

        7. Section VI
          1. Additional information
          2. Procedures for review
            1. Review body
              Radanrakentajantie 5
              Telephone: +358 295643300
              E-mail: [email protected]
            2. Body responsible for mediation procedures

            3. Service from which information about the review procedure may be obtained

          3. Date of dispatch of this notice