Prestations de rondes et d"interventions sécurité sur les ouvrages d"eau potable du Grand Annecy. (Offerte №112177734it)


Nazione: France
Linguaggio: FR
Numero: 112177734
Data pubblicazione: 13-10-2024


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Quotations are hereby invited for the appointment of consulting firm for waste management plan. Scope of Work The service provider is expected to deliver the following: - Waste Audit and Baseline Assessment, - Waste Reduction Strategies & Policies, - Infrastructure and Equipment Upgrades, - Monitoring, Reporting, and Waste Tracking, - Training and Awareness Programs, - Compliance and Regulatory Requirements, - Budgeting and Financial Planning, - Long-Term Waste Management Strategy, - Project Timeline. Deliverables The service provider is expected to deliver the following: - A comprehensive waste audit report with baseline data, waste composition analysis, and infrastructure evaluation, - A Waste Management Plan detailing waste reduction strategy, infrastructure upgrades, and recycling programs (Including cost estimates and return on investments), - A reporting system and waste tracking tool to monitor waste generation, recycling rates, and overall performance, - Training materials for staff and students, along with a communication plan for awareness campaigns, - Periodic reports tracking progress against waste reduction goals and KPIs, - Long-term recommendations for sustainable waste management, - Full project timeline, including key milestones, deadlines, and responsible parties. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Addendum: Amendment to tender documents: Tenders are hereby invited from suitably qualified and experienced Contractors for the Lady Grey Water Supply: New trunk and reticulation water mains for Kwzinaledi and Transwilger. Contract period: ± 12 months. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the servicing of fire extinguishers in Dundee Research Station. Specifications: - 4.5 kg DCP Fire Extinguishers x 10; - 9kg DCP Fire Extinguishers x 15; - 5 kg Co2 Fire Extinguishers x 10. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the supply and delivery of Date and Time Stamp Machine at NHLS KZN various Lab. Specifications: - Supply of Date and Time Stamp Machine at Empangeni Lab x 2; - Supply of Date and Time Stamp Machine at Osindisweni Lab x 2; - Supply of Date and Time Stamp Machine at Mahatma Gandhi Lab x 2; - Supply of Date and Time Stamp Machine at King Dinuzulu Lab x 2. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the supply and delivery of office refreshments for a 12 month period. Specifications: 1. 1L long-life Full Cream milk per case of 6. 2. 20ml milk pods (pack of 50). 3. 500ml almond milk. 4. 1kg Cremora or Ellis Brown. 5. Douwe Egberts coffee Medium roast 200g - jar. 6. 200g Jacobs Coffee - jar. 7. 200g Jacobs (decaf) - jar. 8. 750g Nescafe Ricoffy - tin. 9. 750g Nescafe Ricoffy tin (decaf) or Similar. 10. Good quality individually wrapped biscuits box of 200g. 11. Freshpak Rooibos per 80 teabags or Similar. 12. Joko normal tea per 100 teabags or Similar. 13. 900g Five Roses per 100 teabags or Similar. 14. 250g Masterton Filter coffee or Similar. 15. Five Roses tea selected envelopes x 200 in box(normal) or Similar. 16. Five Roses selected envelopes x 200 in box (Rooibos) or Similar. 17. 2.5kg Hullets white sugar or similar. 18. 3kg Hullets brown sugar or Similar. 19. 200g Choice assorted biscuits or Similar. 20. 500ml Valpre sparkling water per case of 24 or Similar. 21. 500ml Valpre still water per case of 24 or Similar. 22. 330ml Nestle still water per case of 24 or Similar. 23. 500g Honey. 24. 500ml Tru-lem Lemon juice or Similar. 25. Canderals sweetener sticks (box of 100) or Similar. 26. Nescafe Gold Coffee Sticks (sachets) 1.8g (box of 200) or Similar. 27. Nescafe Gold Coffee Sticks (sachets) 1.8g decaf (box of 200) or Similar. 28. Twin saver hand paper towels per pack of 4 or Similar. 29. 1kg Table salt flask. 30. 50g black pepper. 31. 50g white pepper. The MBDA will from time-to-time request office refreshments of a similar nature not listed. Please note this quotation was published. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Supply of materials for malaria prevention and control Fonte: Club of Mozambique