Работы по подготовке строительной площадки (Offerte №99469215it)


Nazione: Georgia
Linguaggio: GE
Numero: 99469215
Data pubblicazione: 12-02-2024
Prezzo del contratto iniziale : 148 425


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Motore di ricerca leader per gare e acquisti in Russia e nel mondo

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  • Visualizza parte delle informazioni sui vincitori, fornitori e clienti delle gare


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Accesso completo
Formal written quotations are hereby invited for the renewal of Cibecs endpoint data protection, security and backup software and licenses by a Cibecs partner at Amahlathi Local Municipality as detailed in the specifications. Scope: Amahlathi Local Municipality is looking for a solution to enable the protection and security of data on all the municipality’s desktops and laptops to mitigate the loss of data on these devices, enable the organization to minimize downtime for users, and prevent data loss. The purpose of this document is to define the Scope of Work for the appointment, and in so doing guide the activities of the professional service provider towards the renewal of Cibecs Endpoint Protection Licenses for 36 months. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

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Регистры (реестры), бухгалтерские книги, скоросшиватели, бланки (формуляры) и другие печатные канцелярские товары из бумаги или картона Fonte: Единой Электронной Системе Государственных Закупок

Инженерные услуги Fonte: Единой Электронной Системе Государственных Закупок

Работы по подготовке строительной площадки Fonte: Единой Электронной Системе Государственных Закупок