Chemieraum Krollbachschule - Laborausstattung (Offerte №109670193it)


Nazione: Germany
Linguaggio: DE
Numero: 109670193
Data pubblicazione: 23-08-2024


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Quotations are hereby invited for the following: SAPS: Mooi River State House (10 Church Street): Repairs to a burst overflowing underground water supply pipe underneath the concrete slab inside the yard at the State Houses - contract period: one month. Specifications: Removal of the existing water pipe: • Cut, break down and removal of the entire existing concrete slab along the entire burst and overflowing water supply pipe to expose and access the pipe x 16m length; • Carefully dig out trench and remove soil along the entire trench to expose and access the underground water pipe x 16m length; • Stripping and removal of the entire existing burst underground water supply pipe, joints and fittings and make good x 16m length. Replacement and installation of water pipe: • Supply and install new SABS approved underground water supply pipe, size and type to match existing with matching joints and fittings and make good x 16m length; • Importing of Umngeni Sand and backfilling of soil on the entire trench. To be properly compacted to level with the existing natural ground and make good x 16m length; • Re-laying concrete slab on the entire trench and leave it to cure and make good to level with the existing Ground Line x 16m length; • Contractor to clean the site, remove rubble from site to an approved municipality dump site and to comply with OHSA x ±2 loads. Province: KwaZulu-Natal. Division or section: Supply Chain Management. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Geb.4014 Metallbauarbeiten Treppenüberdachung Kellerabgang Fonte:

Fahrradstation als mobile Ladeeinheit DIN 18360 Metallbauarbeiten (24-28358) Fonte:

Teilsanierung Sporthalle KGS - Heizung- und Sanitärarbeiten Fonte:

REZ SW BuKSelb JC Tübingen Fonte:

Umbau und Erweiterung der Canisiusschule - Freianlagen Fonte: