Baumsicherungs- und Pflegemaßnahmen (Offerte №115669731it)


Nazione: Germany
Linguaggio: DE
Numero: 115669731
Data pubblicazione: 09-12-2024


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Accesso completo
Re-Advertisement: Tenders are hereby invited for a panel of service providers to conduct reference checks and personal credential verification as when required for a period of 36 months as when required. Please confirm the closing date as two were published. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the supply and delivery of sanitary pads for OEM. Specifications: - Super max with wings, - Sani tart pads, - Normal size, - Qty: 1500 packs (10 units the pack). Please note that this quotation was published late. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Written quotations are hereby requested for supervision of 2 (Two) designated municipal officials as pest control operator, qty: 1. Specification: • A registered pest control operator certificate in terms of the provision of Agricultural Farm Feed, Fertilizers and Remedies Act 36 of 1947, • A registered pest control operator in the structural pest control (commercial and domestic field), • The duration of the training will take six months to complete (four days per month), • The appointed supervisor to submit the documents for the issuing of certificate and practice number to DFFE (Forestry, Fisheries and Environment). Please note that this quotation was published late. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Tenders are hereby invited for Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) engagement in the GAFSP. Scope: Field-based project feedback and lessons gathering: • Coordinate field missions and stakeholder consultations at project level in collaboration with GAFSP SEs, GAFSP SC CSOs and their POs members in the country for assessing small holder farmers" involvement, social impacts and livelihoods improvement in GAFSP Country-led and PO-led projects, with a particular focus on the cross-cutting themes (nutrition, climate resilience, women’s empowerment, employment); • Provide qualitative and technical inputs to complement and enrich the CU led M&E reports (e.g. portfolio reviews) and GAFSP’s Annual Report, including narrative and stories for communication purpose of the value of GAFSP in promoting smallholder farmers’ livelihood and involvement; • Address and fulfill CU and GAFSP SC CSOs representatives’ requests of updated information related to CSO engagement and Program operations. Knowledge Sharing and Learning: • Disseminate regional and country-level information on GAFSP Calls for Proposals to help raise visibility of GAFSP with a wider audience at country level and further outreach to CSOs/POs/FOs; • Participate and collaborate with CSOs/POs/FOs before and after CFPs are launched for project integration and consultations, including GAFSP SC CSOs; • Join annual dialogue workshops with SEs and CSOs/FOs/POs to address implementation challenges and streamline roles; • Collect and synthesize GAFSP financing lessons into reports to support SC continue learning and to inform strategic direction for future calls. Communication: • Enhance GAFSP visibility through op-eds, blogs, social media, and feature stories on cross-cutting themes; • Provide routine updates to CU, and, as necessary, to the SC, including CSOs; • Collaborate with CSO Liaison and GAFSP SC CSOs representatives for coordinated activities to avoid duplication and ensure synergy with CSO Steering Committee members especially in preparation of GAFSP SC meetings. These organizations; distinct yet complementary to the SC CSOs; will be CSOs based in and operating across Asia; Africa; and Latin America and the Caribbean. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

The client hereby invites suitably qualified and experienced, professional service providers to submit quotations for health and safety professional services. Description of works: Specific Professional Health and Safety Services for the second round of emergency phase projects/work packages forming part of the medium and some long-term intervention phases. The ±12 Contracts/Work Packages Comprise of the Refurbish of Existing and Construction of New Pipelines and WTW upgrades. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

A45 TB Rahmede, Gefahrenbaumfällungen (Baufeld), Lüdenscheid Fonte: