Konstruktiver Metall- bzw. Stahlbau und Rauchschutz- bzw. Brandschutztüren (Offerte №86551897it)

Nazione: Germany
Linguaggio: DE
Numero: 86551897
Data pubblicazione: 28-06-2023


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Addendum: Extension of Closing Date and Amendment to the Document: Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Appointment of a service provider to supply and conduct office partitioning for the head office in Centurion. Scope: The successful bidder must partition the walls to create seven (7) offices and fit new doors at the CSOS Head Office, Berkley Office Park; 8 Bauhinia Street, Centurion. Building 2 (4 offices): • Supply & install Demountable Partitioning 3000mm high; • Insulation - 75mm Thick "Isotherm" thermal insulation blanket in cavity of partitioning - m²; • Supply & Install Wallpaper onto Partitioning (to match existing); • Supply & install Complete Doors (incl frames, veneer semi-solid door, door handles, hinges etc.) Door Handles (Brass plated Georgian) with 3 Lever Lock per door; • Supply & Install Glass viewing panes (sidelights) - 2080X1080mm; • Paint Doors (to match existing); • Supply & install 80mm Aluminium Skirting; • Aircon to the Landlord (match existing); Building 4 (3 Offices): • Supply & Install Drywall Partitioning 3000mm high; • Insulation- 75mm Thick "Isotherm" thermal insulation blanket in cavity of partitioning; • Supply & Install Wallpaper onto Partitioning (to match existing); • Supply & install Complete Doors (incl frames, veneer semi-solid door, door handles, hinges etc.); • Paint Doors (to match existing); • Supply & Install Glass viewing panes (sidelights) - 2000X1000mm; • Supply & install 80mm Aluminum Skirting; • Aircon to the Landlord (match existing). The delivery time will be 3 weeks after the appointment. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Re-advertisement: Quotations are hereby invited for the Appointment of a Service Provider to conduct occupational hygiene survey (AIA) in the National Borehole Core Depositary: • Indoor air quality; • Daytime illumination; • Thermal Comfort; • Hazardous Biological Agents; • Ergonomics; • Asbestos. Scope: 1. Conduct a comprehensive Indoor Air Quality assessment. The assessment must include collection and constituents, elemental analysis and air particle count of dust samples. The dust particle count must be conducted in the rooms and corridors; Qty: 30; 2. Conduct a comprehensive assessment on illumination; Qty: 30; 3. Conduct a comprehensive Hazardous Biological Agents assessment including moulds and bacteria identification if present (mould and bacteria classification); Qty: 30; 4. Conduct a measurements to check for presence of the following gases and their concentrations: Carbon dioxide, Methane, Carbon monoxide, Oxygen, air contaminants; Qty: 30; 5. Asbestos survey, inventory, risk assessment and management plan; Qty: 1; 6. Ergonomic survey, risk assessment; Qty: 1; 7. Compile a comprehensive report on each assessment undertaken and present the findings to CGS management; Qty: 1. Department: Supply Chain Management. Please note that this RFQ was published late. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

The National Library of South Africa seeks the services of a network service provider to carry out maintenance work on the network (Cape Town Campus – Centre for the Book – 62 Queen Victoria Street, Cape Town, 8001). This includes testing and repair (where found necessary) of 35 network points, and the labelling of the ends of the connections (RJ45 wall jack, patch panel and switch port). Scope of work: Testing and repair of network connections. The Centre for the Book is located at 62 Queen Victoria Street, Cape Town. The NLSA seeks the services of a network service provider to test the existing Cat6 network installations/points (35) and repair where necessary. Labeling network connections: The network service provider should label the network points at the RJ45 wall box, patch panel and also the patch cable at the network switch. There are 35 connections to be labelled. Duration of the project: The appointed contractor shall make an undertaking that the work shall be completed within 30 days after issuing of Purchase Order. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Extension of closing date: Tenders are hereby invited for the following: Design-build of mechanical and electrical works for the new managed aquifer recharge water treatment plant at the Cape Flats wastewater treatment works. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Farm Work Contract Of LP Medicine//Printing, Stationery& Linen Items/General Store items for District Health Officer (PS) DHA, Sialkot Fonte: PPRA SERVICES PORTAL

Improvements to Caldicot Town Council Building Fonte: Sell2Wales – Government´s Initiative