Umrüstung auf LED, CLUSTER 1 - Elektroarbeiten (Offerte №88344002it)

Nazione: Germany
Linguaggio: DE
Numero: 88344002
Data pubblicazione: 31-07-2023


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Accesso completo
Tenders are hereby invited for the following: appointment of a contractor for the repairs to the existing timber roof trusses and wet services at the Kirstenbosch Research Centre and Centre for Biodiversity conservation buildings including structural repairs to the Harry Molteno Library at the Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden. Scope: The scope of works includes but not limited to the following: - Kirstenbosch Research Centre and Centre for Biodiversity Conservation Buildings: Roof Structure: • Removal and reinstallation of roof sheeting, rainwater good etc.; • Removal and reinstallation of roof trusses; • Strengthening of roof trusses by plying and scabbing additional refabricated trusses to form new multi-ply trusses; • Removal and installation of external ceilings; • Paintwork; Wet Services: • Locate existing valves and join new pipework; • Install copper pipework along external wall of building; • Core drill through wall at identified positions and install pipework through wall; • Install new flexi hose with valve to new pipework and connect to WHB/WC/Urinal; • Plaster opening and paint wall; • Re-tile areas where tiles have been removed; • Disconnect old water supply line; • Test new copper water supply line; • Backfill open trenches; - Harry Molteno Library: • Strengthening of reinforced concrete elements; • Repair of cracks and spalling; • Paintwork; • Geotechnical solutions to column including the installation of subsoil drainage and underpinning; • Waterproofing of concrete and masonry work; • Corrosion protection; • Plastering; • Sealing of windows; • Replacement of carpets; • Installation and repair of stormwater drainage. The Contractor will be required to construct the works in conformity with design criteria specified in the Project Specification. The project period will be 7 months. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Construction Related Work (E.E /003) Fonte: PPRA SERVICES PORTAL

Fertilizer, Seed and Miscellaneous Items for Hydroponic Unit Fonte: PPRA SERVICES PORTAL

Tender Notice MC Kharian Fonte: PPRA SERVICES PORTAL

Lot # 1 Preparation of Degree Folders with invitation cards and parking stickers, Lot#2 Life Time Achievements Awards Fonte: PPRA SERVICES PORTAL

HHG 07-2023 Miete-Leasing eines ReachStackers inkl. Fullservice-Vertrag- Miete-Leasing eines ReachStackers für 12 Monate inkl. Fullservice Vertrag Fonte: iTWO tender