L 308 Signalanlage Leutkirch (A24012) (Offerte №99089934it)


Nazione: Germany
Linguaggio: DE
Numero: 99089934
Data pubblicazione: 06-02-2024


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Motore di ricerca leader per gare e acquisti in Russia e nel mondo

  • Il più grande database di appalti e fonti di approvvigionamento in Russia e nel mondo
  • Newsletter giornaliera gratuita secondo le tue impostazioni
  • Informazioni sui vincitori delle gare nel formato che ti serve
  • Comoda visualizzazione e caricamento delle informazioni

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Registrazione al sito, dopodiché sono disponibili le seguenti funzionalità del sito:

  • Iscriviti alle mailing list gratuite per le tue frasi chiave
  • Visualizza annunci di gara
  • Esporta informazioni di riepilogo in formato Excel
  • Visualizza parte delle informazioni sui vincitori, fornitori e clienti delle gare


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Accesso completo
Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Catering for CMP Champions Workshop. Please note that this quotation was published late. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Fuels & Lubricants: 10 each x grease - standard pressure,18kg pales. Delivery Date: 2024/03/28. Delivery To: Logistics - Ndabeni Store Paints & Oils. Delivery Address: 25 Oude Molen Road, Ndabeni. Please note that this quotation was published late. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Electrical Equipment & Components: Supply of 40 x cable gland shroud rubber. Specification: • Gland shroud; • Material: Rubber cable; • Size: No. 7. Delivery Date: 2024/04/25. Delivery to Electricity - Ndabeni Red 1, Plant. Delivery Address: 01 Melck Street, Ndabeni. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Corporate Merchandise: - 4 each x A frame Generic or equivalent, 2.7m wide x 1.0m High System, A frames are made from High-tensile aluminum. The corner connectors swivel to assist with assembly and packing; - 4 each x rolla banner, Generic or equivalent, 0.845m wide x 2.3m High System, Metal Black Rolla System; - 12 each x banner, telescopic, Generic or equivalent, 0,65 m wide x 3,0 m high/4,0 m High System, Top and bottom double-tension system. Easy to assemble; - 4 each x gazebo, Generic equivalent, 3,0 m wide x 3,0 m wide x 2,05 m High System, Weight: 21kg, Structure: 38 mm x 38 mm x 1,8 mm; - 7 each x fence banner or equivalent, 3,0 m wide x 3,0 m wide x 2,05 m High System, Weight: 21kg, Structure: 38 mm x 38 mm x 1,8 mm. Delivery Date: 2024/03/01. Delivery To: Khanyisile Recreation and Parks. Delivery Address: 19 Sawkins, Mowbray. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Errichtung des Gewerbezentrums "Erzgebirge" in Zwönitz, Los 22 - Ausstattung Fonte: eVergabe.de

Spezialbauarbeiten-Mauerwerksanierung in 04860 Torgau, Rosengarten Fonte: eVergabe.de