Supply and Installation of Customized Furniture, Kitchen Equipment, Gymnasium Equipment and other items for P.G. Boys Hostel at VJTI, Matunga, Mumbai. (Offerte №105492063it)

Nazione: India
Linguaggio: EN
Cliente: eProcurement System Government of Maharashtra
Numero: 105492063
Data pubblicazione: 04-06-2024


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Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply and delivery of 200 plastic chairs. Specifications: - Request for service provider to supply and deliver 200 plastic chairs heavy duty integro (white) for MPCC Ward 7, - Chairs must be delivered to the hall. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Maruleng Municipality is hereby inviting prospective service providers to quote on the following: Supply and delivery of camera. Specifications: • EOS R7 Mirrorless Camera, Qty: 1, • Zoom lens, Qty: 1, • Tripod, Qty: 1. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

NACOSA seeks the services of a reputable legal service provider to provide a legal opinion on suspension of services or the barring the access to services under the People who Use Drugs (PWUD) programme. Deliverables: A legal opinion from a legal service provider on the suspension of programmes for People who Use Drugs (PWUD) specifically related to harm reduction and needle and syringe services and/or attempt to bar PWUD’s access to harm reduction services. Following deliverables is required from a legal service provider: • A review of other countries’ (international and regional) stance regarding harm reduction and needle and syringe services and assess whether those countries’ possible inclusion of its implementation within their legislation, policies and guidelines. Particular focus on access to services for people under age of 18 years old; • Completion of desktop research on the authority of South African government (national, provincial and local) to suspend healthcare services that are supported by national policy and the Constitution. This should include review of South African national policies, guidelines and legislation referring to harm reduction services and needle and syringe programmes; • NACOSA have cases where district officials and community bodies have suspended harm reduction needle and syringe programmes or attempted to bar the access to harm reduction services for certain cohorts of the PWUD such as injectors younger than 18 years old. Thus, interviews to be conducted with those affected by the suspension of needle and syringe and other services by community and government officials, to determine the harm inflicted on the individual/s and the community; • A report completed on insights provided from the interviews, with an assessment of particular rights affected by the suspension and restitutions available to those individuals affected; • Compilation of a legal opinion for potential use towards strategic litigation; • Advisement of legal process to be followed in future, should the programme be threatened with suspension or PWUD’s access to services are challenged. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Installation of internet connection. Specifications: - Uncapped, uncontended, managed, unshaped and business grade Internet connection, - Full Local and International Internet access, - Symmetrical speed, - High Availability, - 100 Mbps upload/download, - Standard reporting, - Management Access. Note: - This is the main link for the Main Office, - This will be a one Year Contract, - Installation must not be via Satellite/Vset. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Procurement of recruitment agency. The NLSA requires the services of a Recruitment Agency to fill the following positions: • OHS Officer; • HR Manager; • Board Secretary; • Executive Director: Corporate Services. Scope: • Recruitment Agency is to: - Advertise the positions; - Screen all applications; - Conduct the first round of interviews; - Submit to the NLSA at 5 CVs of candidates who meet the minimum requirements of the positions as per the attached advertisements; - Once the NLSA has interviewed the recommended candidates, the NLSA will submit to the Recruitment Agency the two recommended candidates. The Recruitment Agency is to conduct background checks (ID, criminal and qualifications) of the three recommended candidates and submit the reports to the NLSA; • The NLSA will issue offer letters to the preferred candidates; • The NLSA will sign contracts of appointment with the preferred candidates who accept the NLSA’s offers of employment. The duration of the contract will be confirmed with the successful service provider. The NLSA expects the appointed service provider to commence with this project as soon as the purchase order is issued. The NLSA requires these positions as soon as possible. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Umzumbe Local Municipality requests quotations for the following: Supply and installation of pole bins for Waste Management Unit. Specification: 50 (fifty) 25L Pole bins: - These bins will be installed both in Cluster A and Cluster D, Bins Specification: - Colour: Green, - Branded with new Umzumbe logo, - Signage: “please keep area clean” – “udoti ulahlwa lapha". Service Provider to liaise with Waste Management Office prior to design and delivery of the bin. Delivery Address: Umzumbe offices. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS