
Nazione: India
Linguaggio: EN
Numero: 57605594
Data pubblicazione: 04-03-2022


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Accesso completo
Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Structural Building & Hardware Materials: Supply of paint products. Specifications: - 12 each x Aqua gloss green APS 5L, Trade name: Aqua gloss Pure Acrylic Gloss Coating, Packaging: 5lt & 20lt Plastic Buckets, Chemical family: Pigmented Aqueous Emulsion, Paint Chemical name: Water-Based Acrylic Coating, W/O: 400973415, EHC, Painting of Pillars, Wherever reference is made to any particular Trade Mark, Name, Patent, Design, Type, Specific Origin or Producer, such reference shall be deemed to be accompanied by the words "or equivalent"; - 8 each x Aqua prime white 5L, Aqua prime AR (Alkali Resisting) Masonry Primer is a high performance water based primer for masonry substrates based on a proprietary terpolymer acrylic resin, and proprietary pigments, fillers and additives. Aqua prime AR Masonry Primer is characterized by having outstanding adhesion, substrate penetration especially on gypsum and fine particle mineral substrates, and being an inert high build coating, has exceptional alkali resistance. Aqua prime AR Masonry Primer may be used as a primer to waterproof and seal masonry substrates, and to bind loose and friable substrates as well as being a multi surface primer. Delivery Date: 2022/06/30. Delivery To: Electricity - Ndabeni RED1 Plant. Delivery Address: 1 Melck Street, Ndabeni. Please note that this quotation was published late. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Fleet: Heavy Plant Spares Procurement: Supply parts Isuzu kb250 2.5 bh 2015. Delivery Date: 2022/03/14. Delivery To: Fleet Mechanical Workshop Fleet. Delivery Address: Resource Centre, Makabeni Street, Khayalitsha. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Fleet: Light and Medium Vehicle Spare Parts: Supply of parts for CCT33638, Nissan NP300, 2.5 BH, 2018, VIN: ADNCPGD22ZR109119. Delivery Date: 2022/03/14. Delivery To: Fleet, Mechanical Workshop, Fleet. Delivery Address: Resource Centre, Makabeni Street, Khayalitsha. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: - Chloroform (2.5L) analytical reagent x 3; - Cetyl trimethyl ammonium bromide (1kg)x 1; - Hydrochloric acid (2.5L) x 1; - Beta-Mercaptoethanol (500 ml) x 1; - RNAseA (10mg/ml) (5ml) x 5; - Delivery to Bethlehem x 1. Required at: ARC Small Grain Institute, R76, Lindley Road, Bethlehem. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Fleet: Heavy Vehicle Spares Procurement: Supply of vehicle parts. Specifications: - Supply parts for vehicle: CCT32457 Isuzu NPR400 4T BN 2016 Vin: ADMNP75PCBN707562. Delivery Date: 2022/03/14. Delivery To: Fleet Mechanical Workshop Fleet. Delivery Address: Resource Centre, Makabeni Street, Khayalitsha. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Fleet: Light and Medium Vehicle Spares: Supply parts for VW Polo Vivo 1.4 AK 2018. Specification: Supply parts vehicle: • CCT33908 VW Polo Vivo 1.4 AK 2018; • VIN: WVWZZZ60ZJT126406. Delivery Date: 2022/03/14. Delivery to Fleet Mechanical Workshop, Fleet. Delivery Address: Resource Centre, Makabeni Street, Khayalitsha. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS