TENDER NO. P&S/25.01/6570- PROVIDING OF T SHAPED C.I RINGS WASA, LDA, LAHORE (Offerte №72526906it)


Nazione: India
Linguaggio: EN
Numero: 72526906
Data pubblicazione: 01-11-2022


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Accesso completo
Re-Advertisement: Collins Chabane Local Municipality invites bids from prospective service providers for the following: Supply and delivery of refuse bags. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply and delivery of construction material for Matshona & Diphini Shearing Shed. Scope: 1. Block M6 Concrete x 2020; 2. Rafters 6m x 85; Rafters 4.2m x 38; 3. Lintels concrete 1.2m (150mm) x 2; 4. Lintels concrete 1.5m (150mm) x 4; 5. Lintels concrete 1m (150mm) x 2; Lintels concrete 2.5m x 1; 6. Corrugated Iron 16FT/4.8m, 0.4mm (Galvanized) x 40; Corrugated Iron 14FT 4.2m x 24; 7. Purlins 6m x 35; Purlins 4.2m x 34; 8. Door Frame Hardwood 42X86 x 2; 9. Ridging 6.0 (Galvanized) x 3; Ridging 4.2 X 460 (Galvanised) x 3; 10. Cement 50 kg 42.5N x 120; 11. Window Frame Steel F7 C2H B/Bars x 2; 12. Nails 100mm 500g x 1; Nails 125mm 500g x 1; Roofing Nails 100X90mm x 6; 13. Brick force 110mm - 15m Galvanised x 4; Brick force 110m - 15m Galvanised x 6. Please note that this quotation was published late. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: ESR Analyser & 5 Year Maintenance Contract. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Provide professional engineering services and construction of Ward 20 Community Hall (Turnkey Contract). Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Re-Advertisement: Collins Chabane Local Municipality invites bids from prospective service providers for the following: Supply and delivery of cleaning materials. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

BVi Consulting Engineers Western Cape (Pty) Ltd were appointed by the South African National Roads Agency SOC Ltd (SANRAL) for the upgrade on National Route R410 Section 1 (km 0.0 to km 37.74) to Section 2 (km 0.0 to km 3.0) from the R392/R410 T-Junction to Lady Frere (Cacadu). Road R410-1 is located within Enoch Mgijima and Emalahleni Local Municipalities, whereas Road R410-2 lies within the Emalahleni Local Municipality. National Route R410 Section 1 (km 0.0 to km 37.74) to Section 2 (km 0.0 to km 3.0) is to be upgraded to increase the road capacity and improve the road alignment. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS