Tender notice for Uniform (Offerte №78553189it)


Nazione: India
Linguaggio: EN
Numero: 78553189
Data pubblicazione: 24-02-2023


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Accesso completo
Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Electrical Equipment & Components: Supply of cable, LV flexible: - 100-meter x cable, lv flexible, 35mm², cu, 1c, PVC, gry; - 100-meter x cable, lv flexible, 95mm², cu, 1c, PVC, yel. Specifications: Cable - type: 1kV Flexible Power Cable: - Conductor cross-sectional area: 35mm²; - Material: Copper; - Number of cores: 1 Core; - Construction: Flexible PVC Insulated, PVC/Nitrile Sheathed; - Colour: Grey; - Outer-sheath material: PVC/Nitrile; - Voltage rating: 600/1000V; - Length: 100m; - Standard: SANS 1574-3; - Guideline: Wherever reference is made to any particular trademark, name, patent, design, type, specific origin or producer, such reference shall be deemed to be accompanied by the words "or equivalent". Cable - type: 1kV Flexible Power Cable: - Conductor cross-sectional area: 95mm²; - Material: Copper; - Number of cores: 1 Core; - Construction: Flexible PVC Insulated, PVC/Nitrile Sheathed; - Outer-sheath colour: Yellow; - Outer-sheath material: PVC/Nitrile; - Voltage rating: 600/1000V; - Length: Multiples of 100m as per requirements; - Standard: SANS 1574-3; - Guideline: Wherever reference is made to any particular trademark, name, patent, design, type, specific origin or producer, such reference shall be deemed to be accompanied by the words "or equivalent". Delivery date: 2023/04/24. Delivery to: Electricity - Bloemhof, materials store. Delivery address: 1 Bloemhof Road, Bellville. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

The Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development hereby invites suitably experienced service providers to submit bids for the following contract for the Directorate: National Rural Youth Services Corps (NARYSEC) Office in KwaZulu-Natal: Appointment of a private at training provider to implement non-accredited skills programme in farm implements servicing and repairs, entrepreneurship and tractor-based training course for twenty-three (23) National Rural Youth Services Corps (NARYSEC) participants in the province of KwaZulu-Natal. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Electrical Equipment & Components: Supply of SWES LED 4ft 18w 6500k glass, qty: 52 each. Specifications: - SWES LED 4FT 18W 6500K glass request for 52 fluorescent tubes for the Library; - Guideline: Wherever reference is made to any particular trademark, name, patent, design, type, specific origin or producer, such reference shall be deemed to be accompanied by the words "or equivalent". Delivery date: 2023/04/12. Delivery to: Fisantekraal Public Library, D Breda. Delivery address: 1 corner of Dullah Omar & Peter Mokaba, Fisantekraal. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Ocena skłonności do tąpań pokładu 215 w bloku A zalegającego na głębokości większej niż 400 m oraz możliwości wystąpienia zagrożenia tąpaniami podczas prowadzenia robót górniczych w tym rejonie w Polskiej Grupie Górniczej S.A. Oddział KWK Piast – Ziemowit Ruch Ziemowit. Fonte: Polska Grupa Górnicza

Obsługa bocznicy kolejowej Polskiej Grupy Górniczej S.A. Oddział KWK Staszic- Wujek Ruch Murcki-Staszic w z podziałem na dwa zadania: Zadanie 1 – Obsługa infrastruktury kolejowej oraz wykonywanie przewozów kolejowych w jej obrębie, Zadanie 2 – Diagnostyka, konserwacja i bieżące utrzymanie infrastruktury kolejowej. Fonte: Polska Grupa Górnicza

Dostawa trzech przemienników częstotliwości dla potrzeb Polskiej Grupy Górniczej S.A. Oddział KWK Sośnica. Fonte: Polska Grupa Górnicza