
Nazione: India
Linguaggio: EN
Numero: 79858617
Data pubblicazione: 14-03-2023


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Motore di ricerca leader per gare e acquisti in Russia e nel mondo

  • Il più grande database di appalti e fonti di approvvigionamento in Russia e nel mondo
  • Newsletter giornaliera gratuita secondo le tue impostazioni
  • Informazioni sui vincitori delle gare nel formato che ti serve
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  • Iscriviti alle mailing list gratuite per le tue frasi chiave
  • Visualizza annunci di gara
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  • Visualizza parte delle informazioni sui vincitori, fornitori e clienti delle gare


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Accesso completo
Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply of IPOSS modem data services and airtime for the CSIR. Specifications: 1. Modem or Sim Card with static IP - One for all 9 IPOSS server stations, namely: - Port of Saldanha Bay; - Port of Cape Town; - Slangkop Lighthouse (Kommetjie); - Port of Mossel Bay; - Port of Port Elizabeth; - Port of Ngqura; - Port of East London; - Port of Durban; - Port of Richards Bay; 2. Uncapped data for each server modem/sim card; 3. The following ports need to be open on the sim card: - SFTP - Port 22; - RDP - Port 3389; - HTTPS - Port 443; 4. Airtime on the sim card topped up monthly: R100.00 p/m or the equivalent allowance for 100 SMS"s p/m; 5. The service provider should ensure network connectivity remains active at all times, and should inform the CSIR via email/SMS notification should there be network connectivity interruptions. The duration of such disruptions should also be communicated. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply of IPOSS modem data services and airtime for the CSIR. Specifications: 1. Modem or Sim Card with static IP - One for all 9 IPOSS server stations, namely: - Port of Saldanha Bay; - Port of Cape Town; - Slangkop Lighthouse (Kommetjie); - Port of Mossel Bay; - Port of Port Elizabeth; - Port of Ngqura; - Port of East London; - Port of Durban; - Port of Richards Bay; 2. Uncapped data for each server modem/sim card; 3. The following ports need to be open on the sim card: - SFTP - Port 22; - RDP - Port 3389; - HTTPS - Port 443; 4. Airtime on the sim card topped up monthly: R100.00 p/m or the equivalent allowance for 100 SMS"s p/m; 5. The service provider should ensure network connectivity remains active at all times, and should inform the CSIR via email/SMS notification should there be network connectivity interruptions. The duration of such disruptions should also be communicated. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply of IPOSS modem data services and airtime for the CSIR. Specifications: 1. Modem or Sim Card with static IP - One for all 9 IPOSS server stations, namely: - Port of Saldanha Bay; - Port of Cape Town; - Slangkop Lighthouse (Kommetjie); - Port of Mossel Bay; - Port of Port Elizabeth; - Port of Ngqura; - Port of East London; - Port of Durban; - Port of Richards Bay; 2. Uncapped data for each server modem/sim card; 3. The following ports need to be open on the sim card: - SFTP - Port 22; - RDP - Port 3389; - HTTPS - Port 443; 4. Airtime on the sim card topped up monthly: R100.00 p/m or the equivalent allowance for 100 SMS"s p/m; 5. The service provider should ensure network connectivity remains active at all times, and should inform the CSIR via email/SMS notification should there be network connectivity interruptions. The duration of such disruptions should also be communicated. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply of IPOSS modem data services and airtime for the CSIR. Specifications: 1. Modem or Sim Card with static IP - One for all 9 IPOSS server stations, namely: - Port of Saldanha Bay; - Port of Cape Town; - Slangkop Lighthouse (Kommetjie); - Port of Mossel Bay; - Port of Port Elizabeth; - Port of Ngqura; - Port of East London; - Port of Durban; - Port of Richards Bay; 2. Uncapped data for each server modem/sim card; 3. The following ports need to be open on the sim card: - SFTP - Port 22; - RDP - Port 3389; - HTTPS - Port 443; 4. Airtime on the sim card topped up monthly: R100.00 p/m or the equivalent allowance for 100 SMS"s p/m; 5. The service provider should ensure network connectivity remains active at all times, and should inform the CSIR via email/SMS notification should there be network connectivity interruptions. The duration of such disruptions should also be communicated. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS