Procurement of Electronics Items, General Items & Furniture Items for Nursing College (Offerte №88739516it)

Nazione: India
Linguaggio: EN
Numero: 88739516
Data pubblicazione: 07-08-2023


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Accesso completo
Re-advertisement: Tenders are hereby invited for the following: Midlands Region: Department of Education: Tayside Primary School. District: UMzinyathi. Contract Period: 12 calendar months. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Nama Khoi Municipality hereby invites tenders for the following: Sale of residential erven, Erf 2017 at Botterblom Street, Vaalwater (Bergsig). Specifications: - Erf Nr: 2017; - Size of Erf: 353m²; - Valuation Amount: R 50 000.00. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Proposals are hereby invited for the appointment of a panel of service providers for provisioning, maintenance and servicing of fire equipment and related accessories on various municipal offices/buildings for a period of 36 months. Scope: The works must comply with the South African National Standards: • SANS 543 Fire hose reels (with semi rigid hose); • SANS 1475 Part 1 The production of reconditioned firefighting equipment. Part 2 Fire hose reels, hydrants and booster connections; • SANS 1186 Standard signs and general requirements; • SABS 1322 Portable non-refillable extinguishers; • SANS 1522 Dry Chemical Powder (ABC Class); • SANS 1567 Portable rechargeable Fire Extinguishers - CO² Type; • SANS 1910 Portable refillable fire extinguishers; • SANS 10139 Fire Detection and Alarm Systems for buildings. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Re-Advertisement: Capricorn District Municipality invites service providers to bid for the following services: Management of fraud hotline for a period of 36 months. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Short Term Finance Consultant Fonte: PPRA SERVICES PORTAL

Drug Medicine (Inj. Heparine 5000IU/ML & Inj. Contrast Non Ionic Low Osmolairty 100ML for the Financial Year 2023-2024 (Re-Tender) Fonte: PPRA SERVICES PORTAL