Tender for the Supply,Delivery and Installation of PE Equipment to St Aidan's Comprehensive School,Cootehill,Co Cavan (Offerte №75478847it)

Nazione: Ireland
Linguaggio: IE
Numero: 75478847
Data pubblicazione: 11-01-2023


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Accesso completo
Proposals are hereby invited for the following: Procurement of Consultancy Service to align and integrate and operationalize the KSP prototype into the ASPYEE Portal. Specific tasks of the consulting firm: • Review the KSP prototype and ASPYEE portal and design suitable integrations for each section of the prototype with the relevant sections of the ASPYEE portal; • Suggest, based on consultations with ILO and ASPYEE teams, a knowledge organisation strategy and a revised portal architecture that integrates KSP prototype and ASPYEE portal; • Produce the UI/UX aligned to ASPYEE visual identity for review by technical team. The design has flexibility to allow test and adjustment based on feedbacks. • Provide technical guidance on additional functionalities needed (social networking, service request tracking, collaboration spaces and tools, instant messaging, multilanguage capabilities, user feedback, usage metrics and reporting); • Develop and integrate the KSP with ASPYEE, using Drupal CMS, ensuring the implementation of the approved approach and designs for overall smooth user journey and experience. The integrations should be free from any bugs and technical faults; • In consultation with ASPYEE team, assess the capacity and feasibility of the department hosting the platform with the intended functionalities; • Develop user manual and final report on the knowledge management of the platform along with budgetary requirement for management of the platform and possible enhancements based on industry best practices; • Conduct virtual training for staff, handover, including all technical document and user guides; • Upload all existing information in a web suitable format including thematic pages, country profiles, news etc. and work closely with stakeholders to update information on a regular basis; • Provide a detailed and innovative yearly engagement and communication plan for the stakeholders to learn about skills and labour migration; • Design and implement online events, and create awareness, including but not limited to, data infographics, virtual community engagement, designing social media posts, creating, and managing online webinars etc.; • Provide guidance on exit strategy and potential or steps towards integrating the whole platform fully into AUDA-NEPAD in the next 3 years; • Provide maintenance of the whole platform as would be agreed upon by partners. Countries: Kenya, Ethiopia, South Africa. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

P.D(W)/22-23/T. Notice # 36 Date: 11.01.2023 (See Attachment for Details) Fonte: PPRA SERVICES PORTAL

P.D(W)/22-23/T. Notice # 37 Date: 11.01.2023 (See Attachment for Details) Fonte: PPRA SERVICES PORTAL

Construction of Work Work. Fonte: PPRA SERVICES PORTAL


Invitation for Community Services Tutor/Facilitators/Coaches panel Fonte: eTenders - National database for public procurement