Walking Style Shoes for All Seasons (Offerte №116068261it)


Nazione: Kenya
Linguaggio: EN
Numero: 116068261
Data pubblicazione: 15-12-2024


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Proposals are hereby invited for the appointment of a service provider to implement the objectives of an external minor works project. Scope: The Client requires the services of a contractor for the following: Perimeter Security: Roller shutter doors at each entrance gate (four entrances) (Client 1 and Client 2); • New automated and perforated roller shutter doors; • Steel support structure and associated pad foundations; • Linking the roller shutter doors to the existing Gallagher security system; • New 2.4m high electric fence (Client 1 and Client 2). Electric fence to communicate with the existing Gallagher security system and to be installed by a Gallagher approved sub-contractor. Interfacing the existing Gallagher system will be done by the in-house service provider. Perimeter fence: • Repair and repaint existing steel palisade fence (Client 1 and Client 2); • Replace damaged steel palisade fence panels to match existing (Client 1 and Client 2); • Low level dry stack retaining walls (Client 1). Landscaping and Irrigation: • Removal of existing trees and planting of new trees (Client 1 and Client 2); Soft landscaping focused on the main building entrances and street entrances to the site (Client 1 and Client 2). Borehole and irrigation booster pump station (Client 1): • Connecting the Client 1 borehole and tanks to the new irrigation ring main; • Upgrade existing borehole pump electrical equipment (Client 1); • Replace existing booster pump electrics (Client 1); • Clean out existing borehole water storage tank (Client 1). Irrigation: • Repair work to the existing irrigation mainline (Client 1 and Client 2); • Installation of a new ring main including turf valves (Client 1); • Limited drip irrigation (Client 1). Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

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