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Nazione: Morocco
Linguaggio: EN
Numero: 114741572
Data pubblicazione: 25-11-2024


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Accesso completo
The client seeks to appoint a qualified and experienced service provider to provide assessment and maintenance of streetlights for a period of three (3) years. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Service providers are hereby invited to submit tenders for the appointment of a service provider to render hotline services for a period of three years. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Bids are hereby invited from suitably qualified and experienced service providers for the office alteration for the Department of Finance Offices. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Service providers are hereby invited to submit tenders for the appointment of a co-sourced panel service provider to provide internal audit services for a period of three years (as and when required). Scope: The firm will be further required to do the following: • Assist in the assessment of key areas of risks for the municipality and present a report to the Chief Audit Executive (CAE) for final review, with agreed management corrective action for internal audit follow-up, • The planning, execution and reporting of audit assignments allocated by the CAE in line with the approved Risk-based Internal Audit Plan, • Perform audits in compliance with the Institute of Internal Auditors’ standards on internal auditing, • Implementing strict project management techniques and meeting of deadlines in consideration of reporting timelines to the Audit Committee, • Comply with the internal audit standards, codes of conduct and ethics that are promulgated from time to time by the Institute of Internal Auditors, • Pro-actively provide advice to the CAE on the internal control environment, to continuously improve and address root causes identified in the execution of internal audit reviews, • Provide continuous specialist services in respect of Information Technology, Financials Statements (GRAP), Performance Information and Risk Management, • Perform ad-hoc assignments not covered by the plan as and when requested and report to Internal CAE accordingly, • In planning and conducting its work, the service provider(s) should seek to identify serious defects in the internal controls, which might result in possible malpractices. Any such defects must be reported immediately to the CAE or Municipal Manager, without disclosing these to any other staff member, • Provide and implement a formal skills transfer process to relevant municipal staff, especially in the internal audit unit and Finance, • Have the capacity to deal with any special internal audit projects, • Provide value-added services to management on how to improve the municipalities internal control environment, • Provide mentorship to internal audit interns and employees tasked with internal audit functions. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the provision of conference facility and accommodation for Governance Strategic Planning Session. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Proposals are invited for King Williams Town Blood Bank Renovations. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS