Hydraulic Atos Valves Distributors (Offerte №115615378it)


Nazione: Nigeria
Linguaggio: EN
Numero: 115615378
Data pubblicazione: 07-12-2024


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Motore di ricerca leader per gare e acquisti in Russia e nel mondo

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Accesso completo
Proposals are hereby invited for the appointment of a service provider for leadership coaching intervention for x 15 EXCO/OPSCO officials. The service provider is required to but not limited to: • Leadership coaching works by offering one-on-one training and guidance that focuses on the specific needs of individual leaders. This can take place through a range of different activities and exercises, including workshops, one on-one discussions, and self-assessment tools. • Develop self-awareness, improve effectiveness, aligning with organizational goals. Motivate and to encourage team working and empowering teams, instill a consequence management culture and effective delegation. • Conduct Questionnaires (highlighting self-assessed strengths and weakness/developmental areas; and personality/ Leadership Style) to assist with development. • 360 degree assessments by peers, direct reports, Superiors and cross functional partners. • Undertake x 12 coaching sessions in total over 6 months with identified officials, one-on-one (2 x a month for an hour per session). • Providing guidance, leadership coaches that will help empower leaders and maximize performance. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Formal written price quotations are hereby invited for the upgrade and refurbishment of Gompo Hall Electrical. Specifications: 1. Upgrade DB Board. 2. Replace all florescent fittings inside the hall and replace with 4 tube LED Florescent 1.2 x 600 serves reses fittings. 3. Replace all the light fittings in the male and female toilets with Bulkheads fittings. 4. Remove and replace all light fittings in the kitchen with Bulkheads. 5. Fit and supply stage lights. 6. Replace all damage wiring. 7. Remove and replace all light fittings back stage with Bulkheads. 8. Remove and replace all light fittings Passage and offices with Bulkheads. 9. Clean up site and remove all building rubble. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

88inch bar stretched screen large size standing advertising player strip lcd stretched screen for window display Fonte: globalsources.com

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