Construction of Balungay SWIP - Brgy. Balungay, Panukulan, Quezon under Rice Program FY 2025 (Offerte №114346221it)


Nazione: Philippines
Linguaggio: UK
Numero: 114346221
Data pubblicazione: 19-11-2024
Prezzo del contratto iniziale : 513 821 (EUR)
Importo originario: 29 711 049 (PHP)



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Quotations are hereby invited for the supply & delivery of cricket hat for solid waste section. Specifications: - Cap Cricket Hat 57cm, Royal Blue; - Cap Cricket Hat 60cm, Royal Blue; - Embroidery Class 1 municipal logo, Centre - Solid Waste. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Re-advertisement: Bids are hereby invited for supply and delivery of physiotherapy assistive devices as per specifications. Scope: • Aluminium adjustable adult elbow crutches x 01; • Aluminium gutter crutches x 01. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the Extraction modification and relocation specifications. Specifications: 1. Removal of the downdraft table from its location in the histology building, 2. Re-installation of the downdraft table in the F-block, 3. Removal of the fume extraction cabinet from its location in the histology building, 4. Re-installation of the fume extraction cabinet in the F block, 5. Remove and relocate the metal cages. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited to supply and deliver Electrical Meter. Specifications: 1. Meter 100A Pre_Pay 3PH Std Type, qty: 100. - 3 x 230/400V, 50Hz, 100A, Class 1; - Built-in keypad; - LCD display; - Dimensions: Not to exceed 17.5 x 8 x 28cm (width, length, height). Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Tenders are hereby invited for the appointment of a contractor for gravel road maintenance in the Bontebok National Park. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Improvement of APCO-Quezon Office Building at Brgy. Lagalag, Tiaong, Quezon under Other PSS Rice FY 2024 Fonte: Philippine Goverment Electronic Procurement system