RFQ No 2023-11-013 (Offerte №93936603it)


Nazione: Philippines
Linguaggio: UK
Numero: 93936603
Data pubblicazione: 09-11-2023
Prezzo del contratto iniziale : 17 294 (EUR)
Importo originario: 999 975 (PHP)



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Accesso completo
Re-advertisement: Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply, delivery and installation of floating shelves with brackets. Please note this quotation was published late. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Formal written price quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply and delivery of office stationery. Specifications: 1. White A4 printing papers x 8 boxes; 2. Lever arch files 25 per box x 8 boxes; 3. Accessible files 20 per box x 9 boxes; 4. A4 hard cover, 2 Quire quad x 20 books; 5. 43g glue pritt original x 1 box; 6. Liquid correction pen 12ml x 1 box; 7. Prestik x 1 box; 8. Clear cello tape 48m x 40 x 10; 9. Staples 26/6 box of 500 x 20 boxes. Delivery address: Elundini Local Municipality, No. 1 Seller Street, Nqanqarhu 5480. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Cleaning services at Elliotdale Cluster Offices: Amathole Sub-Regional Office for a period of four (04) months. Scope: The prospective bidder must render cleaning and hygienic services in the under mentioned areas: a) General cleaning of Department of Public Works – Elliotdale Cluster Offices in the Sub-Region currently in use and as when acquired; b) Supply of cleaning materials and toilet paper (two ply baby soft type); c) Maintenance of She bins i.e. emptying and disinfecting; d) Polishing of floors and vacuuming of carpets; e) Thoroughly cleaning of offices, toilets, floors, carpets, walls, stairways, lifts and stone tiles around the lifts, on a weekly basis; f) Stripping, cleaning of passages and steps; g) Stripping and sealing of tiles both inside and outside of toilets and lifts; h) Cleaning of windows, passages including glass doors; i) Ensure that the cleaning is done daily before eight o’ clock; j) Ensure that all Offices insecticide / Fumigated every quarter; k) Cleaning and refill of water coolers on a daily basis; l) Dusting and polishing of office furniture (Desk, Chairs, Computers, and Printers). Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Re-advertisement: Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply, delivery, installation and configuration of the voice server with support and maintenance for 36 months at the Supplier Park Development Company SOC LTD T/A AIDC. The scope of work to include but not limited to the following: • Replace the two physical VOIP servers with the functions of Publisher, Subscriber: Presence & Unity Servers. The new private automatic branch exchange (PABX) should have at least the same features that currently installed Call Manager that includes the publisher; subscriber; presence & unity servers, speed dials, Translation patterns and Authorization codes, directory boxes. • The one server is to be installed as primary and the other for business continuity purposes. • Provide site diagrams and software libraries for the new voice server. • Once off skill transfer for 3 x ICT engineers on the new voice server. • To replace VOIP Gateway for dial-peers and voice ports. • The new voice server solution needs to integrate with the existing VOIP Handsets. • Provide mobile/soft phone functionality. • Attendant Console and Software system for main reception for incoming calls. • Assistant and manager console. • Deliver, install, configure, and commission the new voice server and gateway. • Software and Licenses Support for 36 months. • Support & maintenance for 36 months. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Hosting, support and maintenance of the KZN Film Online Funding Portal for a period of twelve (12) months. Scope: Provide the KwaZulu Natal Film Commission with: • KZN Film will require 72 hours per month which can be utilized for all aspects relating to the portal such as maintenance, support, providing training, development, upgrades to the portal and so forth. • The service provider must work with the KZN Film IT team to ensure that the portal is backed up and recovery tests are performed every month. The service provider will test the recovered portal and produce a monthly report for KZN Film. • The service provider must ensure that all changes to the portal follow the KZNFilm change control procedure, changes should ideally be tested in a non-production environment before being implemented. The services are required from the 1st of February 2024. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Supply and Delivery of Military,Police and Security Equipment (MC4) Fonte: Philippine Goverment Electronic Procurement system