Materials for the Lightings for Streetlights, Brgy. Sablogon, Passi City,Iloilo/CEO (Offerte №95191311it)


Nazione: Philippines
Linguaggio: UK
Numero: 95191311
Data pubblicazione: 29-11-2023
Prezzo del contratto iniziale : 48 248 (EUR)
Importo originario: 2 789 881 (PHP)



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Accesso completo
Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply and delivery of white candles. Specifications: - Price’s white light house candles (25 x 400g packs) x 250. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Addendum: Amendment to Categories and CIDB Gradings: Bergrivier Local Municipality (BLM) invites tenders for the following: Phase 1 & 2 labour cost for various categories: Building of walls, isoboard ceilings, carpentry and painting services at Pietie Fredericks Youth Centre in Piketberg. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Formal written quotations are hereby invited from suitable services providers for the following: Supply and delivery of office refreshments. Specifications: - 6 packs of 1 litre full cream milk x 200 - 6 packs of 1 litre low fat milk x 04; - 24 of 500ml still water x 200. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply, delivery and assembly of office furniture as per specification to the Eastern Cape Department of Public Works & Infrastructure. Specifications: a. L-shaped executive desk; b 2 door systems cupboard; c. 4 drawer filing cabinet with central lock; d. Rectangular boardroom table with steel base; e. Visitors arm chairs with sleigh base; f. Back operators chair – orthopaedic. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Formal written quotations are hereby invited from suitable services providers for the provision of events management services for the public safety awareness campaign. Specifications: Lunch: - Pap, Rice, Beef stew, Fried chicken, 2 Salads, 2 vegetables; - Assorted soft drinks 300ml; - Still Water 500ml; - PA and sound system with 2 Roving microphones; - Tents that accommodate 150; - Chairs. The event will be held as follows: Date: 07 December 2023; Time: 10h00; Venue: Mkhuhlu Sport Ground. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

SUPPLY AND DELIVERY OF CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS (street stalls) Fonte: Philippine Goverment Electronic Procurement system