9-5002-00 22007502-00 800000440000 08-404200-00 piston ring use for AUDI Motor 801 FY FZ HH HJ 1.3L... (Offerte №114976366it)


Nazione: Poland
Linguaggio: EN
Numero: 114976366
Data pubblicazione: 28-11-2024


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Quotations are hereby invited for the supply and delivery of gumboots. Specifications: - PVC upper for excellent water resistance, flexibility, and durability; - Reinforced ankle guard; - Cut-off trim ridges to allow for height adjustment; - Protective ribs for enhanced heel protection; - Nitrile PVC sole for enhanced resistance against acids, oils, and chemicals as well as uneven and harsh terrain; - Cleated sole provides SRA slip-resistance rating and maximum soil release; - Nylon/polyester fine knit liner for easy cleaning and quick drying, enabling maximum hygiene; - Designed with optimal toe spring for walking and kneeling. Sizes: - Gumboots, Size: 8 x 31; - Gumboots, Size: 6 x 12; - Gumboots, Size: 4 x 9; - Gumboots, Size: 10 x 25; - Gloves Skin Goat x 48; - Gumboots, Size: 9 x 36; - Gumboots, Size: 7 x 26; - Gumboots, Size: 5 x 4; - Gumboots, Size: 11 x 4. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Animal Pellets. Scope: - 7 each x sling bags. Please include cost on quote with animal feed; - 40 x 40kg bags of Riders Pellets (Pellets for horses); - 260 x 40kg bags of Semi-Complete Ruminant Pellets (Pellets for cattle, sheep, and goats). Please note that this quotation was published late. Please confirm the closing date. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the Supply and Delivery of Universal Flange Adaptors and Valves. Specifications: - 500 mm Universal Flange Adaptor (518-534) x 2; - 450 mm Universal Flange Adaptor (476-493) x 4; - 80 mm Gate Valve - Cobra 1001 or Equivalent x 6; - 40 mm Gate Valve - Cobra 1001 or Equivalent x 10; - 25 mm Gate Valve - Cobra 1001 or Equivalent x 10; - 20 mm Stop Cock Valves FF - Cobra or Equivalent x 20; - 15 mm Ball Valve MF x 50; - 50 mm Gate Valve x 10; - 25 mm Brass Non-Return Valve (Swing) x 10; - 20 mm Gate Valve - Cobra or Equivalent x 200; - 20 mm Ball Valve MF x 200. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Privacy desk dividers/shields (116 x 60) x 4. Scope: - Sound-absorbing baffle, - Anti-peeping baffle, - No-drill dividers wrapped with black fabric. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Contractor for the construction of 5 water holes Fonte: Club of Mozambique

Stethoscope Fonte: alibaba.com