Prenova gasilskih prostorov TEB (Offerte №82686762it)


Nazione: Slovenia
Linguaggio: SI
Numero: 82686762
Data pubblicazione: 21-04-2023


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Accesso completo
Addendum: Extension of Closing Date: Tenders are hereby invited for the following: Construction and upgrade of various Palmiet system infrastructure projects at Germiston and surrounding areas – Package 6: Sub-Package 3. Scope of work: 1. Construction of outstanding portion of the G37 pipeline; 2. Construction of a post-tensioned circular concrete reservoir in Germiston; 3. Work to be performed by the Contractor: • Review existing designs and make changes where required; • Verify outstanding scope of work; • Provide relevant solutions to ensure that challenges (encroachment) that are currently experienced on the existing servitude for this pipeline; • Quantification and Inspection of available pipes and associated valves; • Construction, Installation, Pressure testing and commissioning the completed pipeline to required procedures. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Fleet: Light and Medium Vehicle Spares: 1 each x supply rear brake shoes, 2 each x supply rear wheel cylinders (25.4mm), 2 each x supply rear brake drums, 1 each x supply front brake pads, 2 each x supply front brake discs, 2 each x supply front wheel bearings kits, 1 each x supply differential gasket, 2 each x supply window winder handles, 8 each x supply rear shackle bushes, 1 each x supply propshaft centre bearing, 1 each x supply engine oil filler cap return elbow. Delivery Date: 2023/07/24, Delivery To: Michael Kruger Solid Waste, Delivery Address: 1 Bamboesvlei Road, Ottery. Please note that this quotation was published late. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

University of Sargodha invites the tender / Bids for the Development Works ( Fonte: PPRA SERVICES PORTAL

Espectáculos pirotécnicos, fiestas de San Adrián, 2023. Fonte: Gobierno de Navarra

Dostawa systemu bezprzewodowej łączności ratowniczej z możliwością stosowania w wyrobiskach zagrożonych wybuchem metanu i/lub pyłu węglowego dla PGG S.A. Oddział Mysłowice-Wesoła Fonte: Polska Grupa Górnicza

Dostawa taśm przenośnikowych zwykłych gumowych i trudnozapalnych do stosowania na powierzchni dla Oddziałów Polskiej Grupy Górniczej S.A. - nr grupy 251-7 Fonte: Polska Grupa Górnicza