procurement system of the UAE Federal Government: Offerte. Pagina № 29


Offerte totali : 1383

totale: 1034
31 mar
طلب شراء بتاريخ 30/03/2023 - macbook Aggiungi a preferiti
Cliente: procurement system of the UAE Federal Government
31 mar
R&D Tax Incentives Aggiungi a preferiti
Cliente: procurement system of the UAE Federal Government
31 mar
Educational Complexes Documentary Aggiungi a preferiti
Cliente: procurement system of the UAE Federal Government
28 mar
Provision of Laptops and Workstations for the federal entitie Aggiungi a preferiti
Cliente: procurement system of the UAE Federal Government
27 mar
Backup tapes Aggiungi a preferiti
Cliente: procurement system of the UAE Federal Government
27 mar
v Aggiungi a preferiti
Cliente: procurement system of the UAE Federal Government
27 mar
Provision of Bottled Drinking Water for the Federal Government Entities Aggiungi a preferiti
Cliente: procurement system of the UAE Federal Government
25 mar
Designing the website for the "Emirates Award for Leadership in the Labor Market" Aggiungi a preferiti
Cliente: procurement system of the UAE Federal Government
24 mar
Implementation of videos for the "Emirates Award for Leadership in the Labor Market" Aggiungi a preferiti
Cliente: procurement system of the UAE Federal Government
24 mar
Identity design for the "Emirates Award for Leadership in the Labor Market" Aggiungi a preferiti
Cliente: procurement system of the UAE Federal Government
24 mar
Managing the content of the Ministry"s website Aggiungi a preferiti
Cliente: procurement system of the UAE Federal Government
24 mar
Design and Implementation of IP Based CCTV System in All Public schools Aggiungi a preferiti
Cliente: procurement system of the UAE Federal Government