Bids are hereby invited for the following: Framework Contract for the Appointment of a Panel of Contractors for the Construction of Electrical Infrastructure Projects for 36 months. (Offerte №100636952it)


Nazione: South Africa
Linguaggio: EN
Numero: 100636952
Data pubblicazione: 02-03-2024


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Re-Advertisement: Quotations are hereby invited for the following: IBM Server Upgrade. Scope of Works: Sentech require 3 x power 10 S922 with the following requirement/s (over and above the default server configuration): a. 2 of these servers each must have: • 1 Socket – Minimum 10 cores minimum 2.9 GHz; • Physical Memory minimum 384GB RAM; • 4 ports SFP+ adapter; • Dual HBA adapter (Fibre Channel); • Transfer AIX license and renew for 3 years; • From serial numbers: SN21A459W SN21A458W. b. 1 of the three servers must have: • 2 Socket – Minimum 10 cores minimum 2,9 GHz; • Physical Memory minimum 512GB; • 4 ports SFP+ adapter; • 2 x Dual HBA adapters; • Half of each socket (processor) provision/configured for SAP HANA; • OS Red hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL); • ½ of the Server must be licensed with AIX and 3 years support and maintenance. Responses to this RFQ must include: 1. vHMC (Virtual - Hardware Management Console); 2. 3 years 24/7 Hardware, Software support and maintenance; 3. 1 year Individual - IBM Digital Learning Subscription (That include Red hat). Place where goods, works or services are required: 1 Octave Road, Honeydew - Johannesburg - 2000. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Proposals are hereby invited for the following: Turnkey solution for the supply, delivery, removal and installation of ICT infrastructure for the Wesgro office move fit out. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS