Passenger Rail Agency of South Africa, Johannesburg invites quotations for the appointment of a service provider for the supply, installation and commissioning of overhead track equipment for three cross overs at Metrorail Pretoria North Train Station, Gauteng Province. Scope: 1. Removal of feeder wires between masts 14/398 and 14/167 and transport old material to Rebecca Stores, unit: sum, qty: 1, 2. Supply and install section insulators complete with contact and tiger wires on both sides, with new number boards/insulating straps (section insulators number 26, 16 and 19) with splices for both contact and tiger, unit: Each, qty: 3, 3. Supply and install of 161mm² copper contact wire, unit: m, qty: 730, 4. Supply and install 160mm² tiger wire aluminium, unit: m, qty: 730, 5. Supply and install tiger dropper clips (160mm²), unit: each, qty: 100, 6. Supply and install droppers, unit: each, qty: 100, 7. Supply and install make off for contact and tiger wires complete (incl. brackets, insulators, buckles, fittings, and all other accessories) at ML 14/398, unit: each, qty: 1, 8. Supply and install cross spans under the bridge complete with accessories, unit: each, qty: 4, 9. Supply and install bridge fitting, unit: each, qty: 1, 10. Supply and install single suspension complete (for both contact and tiger) with accessories, unit: each, qty: 17, 11. Supply and install contact knuckles, unit: each, qty: 9, 12. Supply and install cross contact knuckles, unit: each, qty: 10, 13. Supply and installation of push pull pipes, unit: each, qty: 4, 14. Supply and install steady arm attachment complete with accessories, unit: each, qty: 17, 15. Supply and install contact dropper clips, unit: each, qty: 100. Please confirm the contract number. (Offerte №100832949it)


Nazione: South Africa
Linguaggio: EN
Numero: 100832949
Data pubblicazione: 06-03-2024


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