Kouga Local Municipality invites tenders for the upgrade of Oceanview Substation switchgear for Kouga Municipality. (Offerte №104995352it)


Nazione: South Africa
Linguaggio: EN
Numero: 104995352
Data pubblicazione: 24-05-2024


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Төлбөр хураах цэгийг нүүлгэн шилжүүлэх /үргэлжлэл/ Fonte: Төрийн худалдан авах ажиллагааны цахим систем

Кувейтийн гудамжинд байрлалтай төв цэвэр усны шугамын ажил Fonte: Төрийн худалдан авах ажиллагааны цахим систем

Үүрэн холбооны сүлжээ сайжруулах станц /Хөвсгөл, Төмөрбулаг, Цагаан-Үүр, Эрдэнэбулган, Галт, Түнэл, Жаргалант, Баянзүрх сум/ Fonte: Төрийн худалдан авах ажиллагааны цахим систем

Гэмт хэрэг, зөрчлөөс урьдчилан сэргийлэх, хяналтыг сайжруулах зорилгоор зарим сумдын төвийг камержуулж, дундаж хурдны камерын хяналтын систем байршуулах, явган хүний цацруулагч бүхий гарцын тоог нэмэгдүүлэх Fonte: Төрийн худалдан авах ажиллагааны цахим систем

Серверийн өрөөний өргөтгөл, шинэчлэл, стандартжуулалт  Fonte: Төрийн худалдан авах ажиллагааны цахим систем

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply of ICT - Hardware: Laptop backpacks/bags. Specifications: • 14x Laptop backpack 15.4" bags can take up to 17" laptop mesh side pockets for water bottles lots of compartments and pockets for accessories; files; tools excellent protective padding durable quality material and zips that won"t wear and tear Targus or equivalent requested by: Amelia Deliver to: Bloemhof head office, 3rd floor, Bellville; • 16x Laptop backpack 15.4" bags can take up to 17" screen mesh side pockets for water bottles lots of compartments and pockets for accessories; files; tools excellent protective padding excellent durable quality material and zips that won"t wear and tear Targus or equivalent requested by: Amelia deliver to: Bloemhof head office, 3rd floor, Bellville; • 4x Laptop backpack 15.4" bags can take up to 17" laptop mesh side pockets for water bottles lots of compartments and pockets for accessories; files; tools excellent protective padding excellent quality material and zips Targus or equivalent requested By: Amelia deliver to: Bloemhof head office, 3rd floor, Bellville; • 8x Laptop backpack 15" bags can take up to 17" laptops mesh side pockets for water bottles loads of compartments and pockets for accessories; files; tools excellent protective padding excellent durable quality material and zips that won"t wear and tear Targus or equivalent requested by: Amelia deliver to: Bloemhof head office, 3rd floor, Bellville; • 10x Laptop backpack 15.4" bags can take up to 17" laptop mesh side pockets for water bottles lots of compartments and pockets for accessories; files; tools excellent protective padding excellent durable quality material and zips that won"t wear and tear Targus or equivalent requested by: Amelia deliver to: Bloemhof head office, 3rd floor, Bellville; • 3x 15.4" Laptop backpack bags can take up to 17" laptops mesh side pockets for water bottles lots of compartments and pockets for accessories; files; tools excellent protective padding excellent durable material and zips that won"t wear and tear Targus or equivalent requested by: Amelia deliver to: Bloemhof head office, 3rd floor, Bellville; • 2x Laptop backpack 15.4" bags can take up to 17" laptops mesh side pockets for water bottles lots of compartments and pockets for accessories; tools; files excellent protective padding excellent durable quality material and zips Targus or equivalent requested by: Amelia deliver to: Bloemhof head office, 3rd floor, Bellville; • 9x Laptop backpack 15.4" bag can take up to 17" laptop mesh side pockets for water bottles lots of compartments and pockets for accessories; files; tools excellent protective padding excellent quality material and zips that won"t wear and tear Targus or equivalent requested by: Amelia deliver to: Bloemhof head office, 3rd floor, Bellville. Delivery Date: 2024/06/28, Delivery to Amelia Anderson Bloemhof Head Office, Delivery Address: Bloemhof Str, 3rd Floor, Bellville. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS