Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Removal of sand from tidal pools: Southport and Ramsgate. Specifications: A combination of dredging, water jetting and mechanical means has to be used by service providers to ensure a well cleaned pool and the maximum amount of sea sand has been removed. Water jetting is an important part of Tidal pool cleaning as there are always corners and small spaces where a mechanical bucket cannot effectively scoop sand and would also damage the under lying rock. Water jetting is therefore a non-negotiable process which has to be used by the service provider when removing sea sand from Tidal pools. During the sand removing process the Tidal pool valve must be opened to check its gasket seal for leaks and replace if necessary. The cover plate must be replaced with 4 stainless steel nuts and bolts which are currently in place but in the event of loss the service provider will be required to replace such at his cost. Required machinery at Southport will be: Excavator. (Offerte №105861868it)


Nazione: South Africa
Linguaggio: EN
Numero: 105861868
Data pubblicazione: 12-06-2024


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