Bids are hereby invited for the following: Appointment of a service provider to provide Off-Site Replication services, rental of servers with server software licences and disaster recovery for the virtual server environment for a period of three years. (Offerte №108292055it)


Nazione: South Africa
Linguaggio: EN
Numero: 108292055
Data pubblicazione: 30-07-2024


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“Ҳудудий электр тармоқлари”АЖ Хоразм ҳудудий филиалига Хоразм вилоятида жойлашган хар бир туманлар кесимида белгиланган тартибда 16 тонна юк кўтариб туширадиган (Автокран) ни 12 ой давомида ҳизмат кўр Fonte: УЗБЕКСКАЯ РЕСПУБЛИКАНСКАЯ ТОВАРНО-СЫРЬЕВАЯ БИРЖА

Ugu District Municipality is requesting quotations for the following: Panel beating. Scope: - Body structural repairs, painting and other cosmetic work on Isuzu FVZ 1600L Water Tanker NPS60728, Qty: 1. Specification to include: • Mark up on spares; • Hourly Rate; • RMI approved Workshop and to have a spray boot for trucks and Must be SAMBRA major structural graded. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Ugu District Municipality is requesting quotations for the following: Hydraulic Flush. Scope: - Flush hydraulic system, hydraulic oil and filter on TLB NPS68753, Qty: 1. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Ugu District Municipality is requesting quotations for the following: Cylinder Head Repairs. Scope: - Repair cylinder head on TLB (CAT) NPS 82665, Qty: 1. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Bids are hereby invited for the following: Construction of upgrading and betterment works at Tom Mitchell Dam on the Farm Welgevonden 36 LT in the Vhembe District of the Limpopo Province. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: ICT - Hardware: • 120 each x Mini Computers for Smartcape Workstation, • 8 each x Mini PC Adaptors. Delivery Date: 2025/02/28. Delivery To: Information Tech and Telecom Maintenance Planning Plant. Delivery Address: 12 Hertzog Blvd, Cape Town. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS