Quotations are hereby requested for the following: Appointment of a service provider to provide security services at Msunduzi Plantation. (Offerte №109533943it)


Nazione: South Africa
Linguaggio: EN
Numero: 109533943
Data pubblicazione: 21-08-2024


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Accesso completo
NIT5E/AE-II/2024-25 Fonte: Central public Procurement portal India

[TN 2024/1274] Schaktfri ledningsdragning med styrd borrning Fonte: kommers

Гадна дулаан ус хангамж-Зүүн босоо зам дагуу болон ЭМТөврүү дулааны шугам барих Fonte: Төрийн худалдан авах ажиллагааны цахим систем

Tenders are hereby invited for the following: Appointment of Panel of Service Providers for the Provision of Accredited Training. Specifications: - National Diploma: Public Finance Management and Administration; - National Certificate: Ward Committee Governance; - Coaching and Mentoring; - Local Government Accounting Certificate; - Occupational Certificate: Paving Screed Operator; - National Certificate: Electrical Engineering: Renewable; - Occupational Certificate: Plumber; - National Certificate: Supervision of Civil Engineering; - Construction Processes Road Works; - National Certificate: Horticulture; - National Certificate: Occupationally Directed Education; - Training and Development Practices; - Certificate: Municipal Financial Management; - Advanced Certificate in Internal Auditing: Auditing and Ethics; - Certificate Computer Technology: MS Word Advanced; - Occupational Certificate Internal Audit Manager; - Advanced Certificate: Environmental Education; - Training and Development Practice; - Councilor Induction Programme: Higher Education and Training Certificate: Development Practice National Certificate in Community Development Worker; - National Certificate: Local Government Councilor Practices; - Occupational Certificate: Original/Aftermarket Auto Electrical System or Component Fitter; - National Certificate: Environmental Practice; - National Certificate: Business Administration Services; - National Certificate Emergency Services Supervision: Fire and Rescue Operations; - Higher Certificate in Renewable Energy Technologies. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

The Emalahleni Municipality invites suitable service providers to submit quotations for the Supply and Delivery of Traffic Uniform at Cacadu Traffic Department. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Formal written price quotations are hereby requested for the following: Supply, delivery and offloading of circuit breakers (store items). Scope: - 40 x Feeder Breakers; - 132 x Consumer Breakers. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS