Department of Defence invites tenders for maintenance and repairs to kitchen: Specifications: - Repair cupboards, replace basin, new kitchen door, repair and paint ceiling board, new light fitting, wall painting, replace basin mixer taps, repair and replace tiles that are missing and cracked, repair wall tiles, - Passages: new passage door with glasses, repair and replace ceiling, light fitting, paint passage walls, floor tiles check and repair, replace door, - Bathroom: new PVC ceiling, light fitting, wall tiles, floor tiles, replace basin, new tap mixer, new shower pipes and head, shower tap mixer, new bathtub taps and mixers, basin, and cabinet, - Toilet: new PVC ceiling, light fitting, wall tiling, floor tiling, new toilet set, - Bedroom 1, bedroom 2 and bedroom 3: paint walls, room light fitting, repair and replace wooden floors, - Dining room, sitting room and store room: paint walls and ceiling, repair ceiling and paint it, light fitting, repair and replace floor tiles, - Electrical: check and repair any fault plugs and repair wiring, - Outside: check roof leak and paint, replace gutters, - Geyser: repair leaks, - Garage: replace door, ceiling and lights. (Offerte №109602202it)


Nazione: South Africa
Linguaggio: EN
Numero: 109602202
Data pubblicazione: 22-08-2024


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