South African Bureau of Standards (SABS) hereby invites you to submit a quotation for the appointment of a service provider for the supply and delivery of an automatic mortar mixer for the determination of compressive strength in cement and related products. Specifications: • The Civil Testing Laboratory currently needs to add an automatic Motar Mixer that is capable of changing of speed, stops and follow the mixing sequences, outlined by acoustic signal automatically, the unit must perform the mixing cycle as per the standard; • The unit must be equipped with an automatic sand dispenser which fills the sand into the mixing bowl for a period of 30 seconds (EN 196-1 program) and a safety door conforming to CE Safety Directive such that if opened it automatically stops the machine to increase capacity; • The lab needs to procure the automatic mixer for the determination of compressive strength in cement and related products; • The mixer must come with a beater. The automatic Motar mixer must be capable of: • Changing of speed, stops and follow the mixing sequences; • Outlined by acoustic signal automatically; • The unit must perform the mixing cycle as per the standard; • The unit must be equipped with an automatic sand dispenser which fills the sand into the mixing bowl for a period of 30 seconds (EN 196-1 program) and; • a safety door conforming to CE Safety Directive such that if opened it automatically stops the machine to increase capacity. • The mixer must come with a beater. (Offerte №110064272it)