Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Review and develop ICT governance frameworks. Scope of work: 1. Initial Findings Report: A preliminary report detailing initial findings from the analysis of current ICT Frameworks, Policies and SOPs, within 30 days of the project commencement. 2. Final Report: A comprehensive final report, including all findings, analysis and recommendations, to be delivered within 90 days of the project commencement. 3. Presentation of: All ICT Policies, Frameworks, Standard Operating Procedures, Final Report, Q&A session. (Offerte №110174550it)


Nazione: South Africa
Linguaggio: EN
Numero: 110174550
Data pubblicazione: 02-09-2024


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Мөргөцөг 35/10кВ-ын дэд станцаас 10кВ-ын ЦДАШ барих ажил Fonte: Төрийн худалдан авах ажиллагааны цахим систем

Хавдар судлалын үндэсний төвд өндөр өртөгтэй эмнэлэгийн нэг удаагийн хэрэгсэл нийлүүлэх Fonte: Төрийн худалдан авах ажиллагааны цахим систем

Re-Advertisement of contract number: SCM/MOH/21/RFQ/2024. Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply and delivery of stationery. Specifications: 1. Arch files; 2. File holder, plastic (plastic filing pockets 100s); 3. A4 Notebook, hardcovers; 4, Permanent marker; 5. Flags, 5 multi colour - flags; 6. Scissors; 7. Medium stapler; 8. Clutch pencil and lead; 9. Notepads (Message pads); 10. Memory stick (8GB); 11. Assorted highlighters; 12. A4 brown envelopes; 13. Normal postage envelopes (small); 14. Red pens; 15, Black pens; 16. Arch file (Blue); 17. A4 transparencies; 18. Suspension files; 19. P265 perforator; 20. Giant stapler; 21. Affordable A4 plastic punched pocket folder, filing; 22, Light-ahead LA 7550 clear document Police folder, snap button; 23. Clipboard; 24. Erasers; 25: File holder (hardcover); 26. Paper binders; 27. Storage boxes with a lid. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Procurement of Subject Matter Experts to Develop Exemplars, EISA Instruments as well as Provide EISA Exam Script and Marking Script for Registered Occupational Qualification. Scope of work: The successful service providers (SME) will be required to undertake the following: - Develop bank of five (5 x) unique External Integrated Summative Assessment (EISA) with the relevant marking memorandum/answers for Occupational Qualification; - Development of 3 x Exemplars with the relevant marking memorandum for occupational Qualification; - The examination instruments/tools must comply with the Qualification Assessment Specification (QAS Addendum); - Engage with the Quality Partners (QP’s); - Moderator would be expected to moderate all question in the papers developed and not sample; - EISA developers would be expected to address any issues that the Moderator raised on all Exam papers. The qualification are as follows: - SAQA ID: 105027; - Name of Occupational Qualification: OC: Non-Commissioned Police Official; - NQF Level: 6; - Credits: 250. Required at: 74 Waterfall Drive, Waterfall, Midrand, 2066. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Re-Advertisement of contract number: SCM/MOH/19/RFQ/2024. Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply and delivery of A4 printing paper. Specification: • 300 x boxes of A4 printing paper. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Tenders are hereby invited for the appointment of a service provider to review the KwaZulu-Natal provincial tourism master plan. Scope of Work: The project will be delivered into two phases: - Phase One: The scope of the project entails the review and appraisal of the current KZN-TMP of 2012, to analyze KZN as a tourism destination. This will establish baseline information with regards to the current state of tourism at a global, regional, national and local level, tourism industry performance, analysis of demand and supply factors, contextual and situational analysis including the SWOT and PESTEL analysis and the analysis of general infrastructure that supports tourism for the review of the KZN-TMP; - Phase Two: The revised and invigorated KZN-TMP must outline a long-term tourism plan for the province of KwaZulu-Natal with inspiring vision, specific and measurable goals and objectives and tourism development priorities. It should clearly articulated recommendation and frameworks to inform tourism development, growth, marketing and governance processes. Duration: The duration of the project is 18 months from the signing of the Service Level Agreement and the project will be undertaken and delivered in two phases. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS