Quotations are hereby invited for the servicing of 62 fire extinguishers and 13 fire hoses from various municipal buildings. (Offerte №112177725it)


Nazione: South Africa
Linguaggio: EN
Numero: 112177725
Data pubblicazione: 13-10-2024


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Accesso completo
Re-advertisement of Contract Number: ZNQ/GJM/259/24-25: Quotations are hereby invited for the supply of bottles, teats, spoons, cups. Specifications: - Chew necklace for sensory kids: 4 pack; - Nipple shield; - Mead Johnson bottle and teat MJ045422; - Feeding bottle; - Teat: NUK 445188; - Teat: NUK 445192; - Maroon spoon small pack of 5; - Maroon spoon large pack of 5; - Textured spoon small pack of 5; - Textured spoon large pack of 5; - Flexi cut cups 59ml pack of 5; - Cut out cups pink pack of 2; - Cut out cups green pack of 2. Contract Period: Once off. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the supply of boardroom table and chairs. Specifications: - Boardroom table x 01 unit; - Boardroom chairs x 15 units; - Office chairs x 30 units. Contract period (if applicable): Once off. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the supply of HIV, TB NIDC"S, mental health unit and covid-19 screening register. Specifications: 1. Hard cardboard cover (+/- 240g), durable with gloss printing, KZN DOH logo, Name of the booklet in full colour; 2. Binding glued for durability; 3. The register must be an A3 size; 4. Facility/service provider/starting and finishing dates details-page must be printed at the back of the cover page; 5. Instructions for use must be double printed and attached after the cover page before the actual screening pages; 6. Screening pages-100 pages double printed into 200 pages excluding the cover page and instruction pages; 7. Pages must be +/- 80g; 8. The whole printed material must have the DoH colours (Green, yellow-gold, white and writings in black); 9. KZN DoH logo and catch line must be accurate; 10. Printer to do the layout and alignment of the information document. Qty: 150 units. Contract period (if applicable): Once off. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the supply and installation theatre door bells. Specifications: - Must be battery operated / wireless; - Easy to clean; - Visibility; - Have clear audible tone; - Durable. Qty: 02 units. Contract period (if applicable): Once off. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the supply of infant feeds. Specifications: - Soya based infant formula, powder x 24; - Diabetic ready to use sip feed x 624. Contract period (if applicable): Once off. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the supply of cambro PCUPH615 pro cart ultra. Specifications: - Quantity: 1/Each; - Width: 28 Inches; - Depth: 35 3/4 Inches; - Height: 66 Inches; - Interior Width: 21 1/8 Inches; - Interior Depth: 27 Inches; - Interior Height: 25 1/2 Inches; - Amps: 4.6 Amps; - Hertz: 60 Hertz; - Phase: 1 Phase; - Voltage: 110 Volts; - Wattage: 529 Watts; - Colour: Grey; - Compartment Type: Hot; - Features: Casters. Qty: 01 unit. Contract period (if applicable): Once off. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS