Specialist contractors with the relevant skills, experience and resources are invited to submit tenders for the refurbish therapy and research for Care2kids, Building K7, Potchefstroom Campus: Construction. Work entails: Extensive alterations to the existing building, including demolition and construction work to create new therapy spaces, offices, and a conference room. External works include paved parking, fencing and the construction of a new ablution block, Upgraded electrical and mechanical services, as well as audiovisual installations, CCTV, access control, fire systems, and integrated data and Wi-Fi services. (Offerte №112764960it)

Nazione: South Africa
Linguaggio: EN
Numero: 112764960
Data pubblicazione: 23-10-2024


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Specialist contractors with the relevant skills, experience and resources are invited to submit tenders for the following project: Refurbish therapy and research for Care2kids, Building K7, Potchefstroom Campus: Security: Sub-contract project for Contract Number: NWUTR 242 / 2024 PC. Work entails: The supply and installation of security equipment according to NWU standards. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

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