Tenders are hereby invited for the provision of assurance review of the 2025 general valuation computer assisted mass appraisal techniques. Scope of work: After analysis of data provided by the City and the results of remote interviews with the process owners (to be conducted using video conference technology), the successful bidder is required to: - Evaluate the City’s conformance to best international practice in the context of computer-assisted mass appraisal. - Identify and benchmark progress in terms of current industry trends. - Confirm the extent to which the valuation roll represents a fair and equitable base for the levying of property rates. - Comment on any observed inadequacies and recommend future improvements in work processes, valuation methodologies, quality control procedures and technologies. - Comment on observed improvements and trends based on previous assurance review reports. - Provide an assurance opinion showing the high level compliance issues and any matters arising that need addressing. - Submit a management letter showing all the issues raised and that need specific attention. Contract Period: 1 October 2025 until 31 March 2026. (Offerte №113338196it)


Nazione: South Africa
Linguaggio: EN
Numero: 113338196
Data pubblicazione: 01-11-2024


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Accesso completo
Quotations are hereby invited for the supply of food service crockery. Specifications: • Polycarbonate Tea Mugs, Beige x 100, • Polycarbonate Bowl, Beige x 100, • Assorted Coloured Chopping Board: 1. White, 2. Green, 3. Yellow, 4. Red, 5. Brown, 6. Blue. Please note that this quotation was published late. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for a service provider to conduct introduction to SAMTRAC and SAMTRAC training in the Western Cape Region. Specifications: By the end of the course, learners should have a better understanding of the following Fundamentals: - HSE-related legislation and legal compliance; - management system theory and practice; - What occupational health, safety, and environment (HSE) is; - Some key health, safety and environment related definitions and issues; - Key aspects of the OHS Act and NEMA; - Important definitions in environmental management; - The role of management within HSE; - The benefit of a management system; - The important role of controls in risk management; - The function of the hierarchy of controls. Number of Candidates: Twelve (12) Candidates, six (6) candidates will be released per session. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the Occupational Health and Safety Representative Training. Specifications: - Unit Standard: 259622; - NQF Level: 2; - Duration: 1 day; - Method of delivering training: Virtual Sessions consisting of 02 sessions (30 attendees per session). Sessions will be conducted in 2 groups. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Tenders are hereby invited for the upgrade of hard and soft landscaping and non-motorized transport facilities in the Salt River Station Precinct. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Tenders are hereby invited for the appointment of a panel of service providers for the development, planning, digitization, and implementation of infrastructure grants and other infrastructure programmes. Scope of work: The fundamental purpose of the KZN PPMU will be to ensure compliance with the Gazetted responsibilities of client in terms of the following Grants: 1. MIG – planning, feasibility assessments and alignment with bulk infrastructure projects; 2. WSIG – coordination with sector department (DWS); 3. INEP – technical support to municipalities which receive INEP Grant; 4. Municipal Disaster Grants – undertaking assessments and verifications when disaster events occur and assisting municipalities in application for funding; 5. COGTA funded infrastructure projects – Massification Grant, building maintenance, community service centres, maintenance of traditional courts etc. There are five (5) areas (technical and non-technical) requiring urgent attention in order to deal with the current challenges. These are: 1. Programme and project implementation management support for all Capital Infrastructure Programmes managed by KZN; 2. Implementation of the PWMP-KZN and Electricity Master Plan; 3. Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Planning; 4. Digitisation and automation of the registration, tracking and reporting processes; 5. Capacity building internally and externally. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Tenders are hereby invited for the appointment of a service provider for the manufacture, supply, installation and commissioning of a new and complete sheet-fed offset printing press at the client and to provide support and maintenance for a period for 5 years. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS