Re-advertisement: Bids are hereby invited for the appointment of a service provider for the maintenance of electrical network at Ekandustria and Siyabuswa Industrial Parks for a period of three (3) years. Scope of work: The scope of work entails the maintenance of the electrical network feeding into buildings at the industrial sites (Ekundustria, Siyabuswa) and can be broken down as follows: 1. Operations & Management (O & M) recovery plan for Ekandustria and Siyabuswa Industrial Parks. The O & M recovery plan can be for the short to medium term as well as for the long term. It should be based on hands-on investigations and assessments of the current electrical infrastructure as well as conducting interviews with the Local MEGA officials. Interviews can serve as a source of information for historical trends in electrical breakdowns. The aim of the O & M plan is to create a systematic course of action and priority matrix which then can be used for implementation. 2. A predictive or preventative maintenance strategy and plan should be formulated by the Service Provider. Currently there is no maintenance plan implemented and a reactive strategy is often adopted. 3 Where applicable, work with the Facilities Manager to identify critical electrical projects that can be implemented for the area of Ekandustria and Siyabuswa. A project priority matrix to this effect can also be formulated by the Service Provider. 4. Maintenance services to the electrical network including attendance to electrical and associated emergencies at Ekandustria, and Siyabuswa Industrial Parks. 5. Provide advisory services on all electrical network development needs. 6. Generate monthly reports on the state and performance of the electrical network at the identified sites (i.e. Ekandustria and Siyabuswa Industrial Parks). (Offerte №113722102it)


Nazione: South Africa
Linguaggio: EN
Numero: 113722102
Data pubblicazione: 08-11-2024
Scadenza per le domande in : 14 giorni


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