Prospective service providers with proven track records are invited to tender for the Appointment of Professional Laboratory Services to assist in Analyzing Swabs Food and Water Samples for a period of Three (3) years. (Offerte №114702476it)


Nazione: South Africa
Linguaggio: EN
Numero: 114702476
Data pubblicazione: 24-11-2024


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Accesso completo
Erratum: Please note that the closing date, document collection and site inspection details has been amended. Bids are hereby invited for the Appointment of Additional Event Management Service Providers to the Existing Contract Ending 18 October 2026. Scope: Logistical Requirements; • Sound; • Audio-visual screens; • Live streaming and virtual connection services; • Staging as per the technical riders; • Tents/marquees; • Shaded stages/raised platforms; • Lecterns; • Chairs; • Tables; • Water (bottles or sachets); • Public Address System (PA system); • Standby technical assistance; • Power generator(s); • Climate control, eg heating and cooling; • Portable chemical toilets; • Clearing and cleaning of site (before and after); • Signage; • Sufficient number of safe parking; • Exhibition facilities; • Catering; • Site plans/layout; • Crowd control barriers; - It will be required of the events management company to appoint an artistic director for some events; - Catering; - Branding at National and International Events; - Liaison; - Photographer and Videographer at National and International Events; - Interpreters, Interpreting Equipment, Transcription, Translation and Rapporteurs; - Transport and Mobilization; - Tour Operator; - Security; - Invitations, Accreditation, and RSVPs; - Promotional Items; - Décor and Flower Arrangements; - Task Directive: Hypothetical scenario proposal for evaluation and selection purposes. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Prospective service providers with proven track records are invited to tender for the Appointment of a Contractor for the Refurbishment of Boreholes in Tshwane and Kromkuil. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Prospective service providers with proven track records are invited to tender for the Appointment of an Auctioneer to Auction Movable Assets. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Prospective service providers with proven track records are invited to tender for the Appointment of a service provider to Supply and deliver Two (2) water carriers for Fire Services. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Prospective service providers with proven track records are invited to tender for the Appointment of a service provider to Supply and deliver one (1) vehicle for Fire Services. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Prospective service providers with proven track records are invited to tender for the Appointment of a service provider to Supply and Deliver Fire Fighting foam for the Fire Services. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS