Quotations are hereby invited for renovations at Ward B4 to be repurposed to serve as a Pharmacy, Quantity: 620m². Scope: Clear the building by removing all redundant items including but not limited to broken tiles, broken sink basins, sagging rhino boards and extra. Unwanted walls at the new office to be demolished. All unwanted items to be disposed by the contractor. The building must be renovated by performing re-installation of ceiling, cupboard, doors, burglar guards, windows pane and others. Plumbing work is to be carried as per the technical specification including the re-routing of storm water by means of drainage system. Leave the site clean upon completion of the work. Contract Period: Once off. (Offerte №114828165it)


Nazione: South Africa
Linguaggio: EN
Numero: 114828165
Data pubblicazione: 27-11-2024


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Тусгаарлагч ПС-70 Fonte: Төрийн худалдан авах ажиллагааны цахим систем

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Re-advertisement: Quotations are hereby invited for the after service repairs of generators (AKSA) at Richmond Hospital; Quantity: 1. Scope of work: • Check and service generator as per service schedule, generator switches on without load shedding, • The auto switch has to be replaced and the electrical controller has to be replaced, • The two 12 volts batteries have to be replaced, • Clean generator after work has been completed. Note: All obsolete materials to be removed from the site by the contractor. The site must be left clean and tidy by the contractor. Contract period: Ad hoc. Please confirm the contract number as two were published. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS