Quotations are hereby invited for the Supply of clothing items: various items. Description: • 40 Pair x gaiters; snake; one size fits most; • 20 Pair x boots; working; UK 2; fem; Black; Without toecap; • 20 Pair x boots; working; UK 3; fem; Black; Without toecap. Specifications: • Gaiters - type: snake; size: One size fits most; specifications: Must extend from the ankle and protect from the shoes to the knee in terms of its length. Must have a flap that covers the shoelace area. Gaiter to consists out of two layers. Outer shell to be made from a heavy-duty water-resistant nylon fabric. Together the two layers must be 100% resistant to a variety of venomous South African snakes. Must have at least three adjustable straps with fasteners to ensure a secure fit; • Boots - type: Working; size: UK 2; gender: Female; colour: Black; toe construction: Without toecap (Soft Toe); upper material: Minimum 2.0mm Chrome tanned, full grain Buffalo leather, Leather should be tanned to allow for softer/more comfortable feel, Fully padded collar and padded ½ bellows tongue should give additional comfort and support ankles; sole: Minimum 9.5mm Double Density PU injection, Shore hardness for flexibility and slip resistance, should also be oil and chemical resistant, a reinforced shank to be moulded into the midsole to give additional support under the arch of the foot; lining: Vamp lining must have perspiration absorbency that will result in low heat build-up, should be treated to impact additional hygienic, anti-bacterial and fungal properties; standards: Product to be manufactured according to SANS 20347 or equivalent international standard; packaging: Boxes are to be identified/marked with content description, size of boots, quantity of items in the box, material code and the purchase order number; specification: Operations requiring wearing safety shoes for entire shift, walking and standing for long periods, working in wet grass, on warm dry soil, deep sand, in workshops etc.; • Boots - type: Working; size: UK 3; gender: Female; colour: Black; toe construction: Without toecap (Soft Toe); upper material: Minimum 2.0mm Chrome tanned, full grain Buffalo leather, Leather should be tanned to allow for softer/more comfortable feel, Fully padded collar and padded ½ bellows tongue should give additional comfort and support ankles; sole: Minimum 9.5mm Double Density PU injection, Shore hardness for flexibility and slip resistance, should also be oil and chemical resistant, a reinforced shank to be moulded into the midsole to give additional support under the arch of the foot; lining: Vamp lining must have perspiration absorbency that will result in low heat build-up, should be treated to impact additional hygienic, anti-bacterial and fungal properties; standards: Product to be manufactured according to SANS 20347 or equivalent international standard; packaging: Boxes are to be identified/marked with content description, size of boots, quantity of items in the box, material code and the purchase order number; specification: Operations requiring wearing safety shoes for entire shift, walking and standing for long periods, working in wet grass, on warm dry soil, deep sand, in workshops etc. Delivery Date: 2025/01/29. (Offerte №115534509it)


Nazione: South Africa
Linguaggio: EN
Numero: 115534509
Data pubblicazione: 06-12-2024
Scadenza per le domande in : 30 giorni


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Баянгол дүүргийн Ахуйн хог хаягдлыг цэвэрлэх, цуглуулах, тээвэрлэх ажлыг хувийн хэвшлийн байгууллагаар гүйцэтгүүлэх ажил Fonte: Төрийн худалдан авах ажиллагааны цахим систем

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Re-advertisement: Tenders are hereby invited from contractors for the relocation and refurbishment of the tissue centre and virtual lab at Ditsela place building. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS