Addendum: Extension of Closing Date and Amendment to Bid Documents: Bids are hereby invited from capable service providers for appointment of a service provider for operation and maintenance of waste disposal management facilities at Tekwane West for a period of 36 months. The appointed Site Operator will be required to perform, amongst others, the following duties on the landfill site: a) Provision and supply of personnel, landfill plant and equipment to execute the operations daily. b) Access, security and traffic control. c) Operation and maintenance of Public Drop-off facility (PDF). d) Creation of active working face. e) Spreading and compaction of deposited waste to the required densities. f) Creation of external and internal berms. g) Daily covering sufficient to isolate the waste from the environment. h) Limited on-site composting and spreading of compost on landfill slopes. i) Creation and maintenance of a wet weather-cell to accommodate one-week"s incoming waste, during rainy and /or wet conditions. j) Dust suppression and odour management (Odour cure or equivalent products and services). k) Maintenance of access roads within the site. l) Stormwater and Leachate management. m) Routine and continuous maintenance of plant, equipment, buildings, and infrastructure on site. n) Maintenance of water and electricity services. o) Ongoing maintenance of overgrown vegetation on landscaped areas, including inactive areas. p) Creation and continuous maintenance of fire breaks on the entire site. q) Progressive rehabilitation of side slopes and completed cells on an as and when required basis as per the waste management licence. r) Maintenance of the weighbridge infrastructure and services. s) Control and Manage waste pickers and reclamation activities on-site, keeping a database and regular meetings. t) Operation and maintenance of the new or upgraded waste disposal management infrastructure on an as-and-when-required basis as per the waste management license and designs. u) General maintenance at groundwater monitoring boreholes. v) General maintenance and care of the Leachate Dam. w) Provision of Engineering, Professional and Commercial Services as and when required. (Offerte №118108951it)