Re-advertisement of Contract Number: RFQ10412972: Quotations are hereby invited for Integrated Email and Online Security Services for 6 Months. Scope: 1. Consolidate security solutions into a single administration console to reduce complexity and save IT and security teams’ time; 2. Subscription license and six months subscription license; 3. Safeguard data and protects from reputational damage and monetary loss by securing all live and archived email data; 4. Reduce mean time to respond to an incident by integrating with your security ecosystem and offering threat remediation from the Mimecast console; 5. Protects existing investments in your security ecosystem; 6. Protect employees from zero-hour attacks; 7. Return to business as usual quickly after an incident; 8. Deployment email and online (365 protect plus plan) security services to include the following: - Secure Email Gateway; - URL Protect; - Attachment Protect; - Impersonation Protect; - Internal Email Protect with Threat Remediation; - Browser Isolation; - Email Continuity; - Sync and Recover; - CyberGraph; - Integrated Security Intelligence; - 100+ integrations into other ecosystem partners; - 24 x 7 Support ensuring 99.99% availability and reporting. (Offerte №119720786it)


Nazione: South Africa
Linguaggio: EN
Numero: 119720786
Data pubblicazione: 28-02-2025


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Fourniture, livraison, montage et installation de mobiliers et matériels de bureau destinés à favoriser le maintien dans lemploi des agents de guingamp-paimpol agglomération Fonte:

Mission de maîtrise doeuvre pour la création du lotissement communal de la croix nicole à broons (22) Fonte:

Marché de conception-réalisation dun pumptrack à combourg Fonte:

Travaux de desamiantage et curage de batiments existants dans le cadre du projet de renovation et extension du commerce Fonte:

Quotations are hereby invited for weed control, grass cutting, and tree felling on an as and when required basis for 12 months. Scope: - Application of herbicides; - Tree felling; - Cutting of veld grass. Please confirm the closing time as two were published. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Prospective service providers are hereby requested to quote on ablution repairs for Sedimogang satellite. Scope: Ablution repairs for Sedimogang Satellite: Staffroom ablutions: • Replacement and connection of toilet seats, qty: 2; • Replacement and connection of basins, qty: 2; • Replacement and installation of wooden door, qty: 1; • Replacement and installation of burglar door, qty: 1; • Replacement of window glasses, qty: 4. Male students ablutions: • Replacement and connection of toilet seats, qty: 6; • Replacement and connection of basins, qty: 3; • Replacement and installation of wooden door, qty: 6; • Replacement and installation of burglar door, qty: 1; • Replacement of window glasses, qty: 4. Female students ablutions: • Replacement and connection of toilet seats, qty: 8; • Replacement and connection of basins, qty: 3; • Replacement and installation of wooden door, qty: 8; • Replacement and installation of burglar door, qty: 1; • Replacement of window glasses, qty: 3. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS