Re-advertisement: Extension of Closing Date: Bids are hereby invited for the appointment of a panel of consultants to the Office of the Director General for a period of three (3) years. Scope of works: The Chief Data Analytics Officer (CDAO) of the National Treasury in the Office of the Director General is responsible for the following areas, among others: building data analytics capability through training; peer learning; and other interventions; establishing appropriate data governance protocols and frameworks and assessing the data maturity of the department; coordinating data driven policy data analytics and research analysis, including data process automation; and expanding the National Treasury Secure Data Facility (NT-SDF) into a world class administrative data lab. Areas of Expertise: 1. Data and technical analysis: Service providers/consultants seeking to be appointed in this area will have to demonstrate expert knowledge with relevance to data analytics in any of the following areas: Data and Software Engineering; Data Management, Governance, and Security; Data Science, Advanced Applications, and Automation; and Administrative Data and Research, 2. Other expertise: The CDAO also seeks to appoint to the panel suitably qualified service providers/consultants in any of the following areas: data analytics training services, legal services and specialist ICT support. (Offerte №119723783it)