Quotations are hereby invited for the drafting of an independent report of the long-term financial plan for the ten (10) year period up until 30 June 2035. Specifications: 1. The previous 3 year’s historical information (2021/2022; 2022/2023; 2023/2024) (Statement of Financial Performance) to provide for a basis to reflect on the financial performance of the Municipality in the past and to plot future financial trends, 2. The Statement of Financial Position and the Cashflow statement are also required for a 10 year period. Three years MTREF and 7 years forecasting based on assumptions. The budget assumptions must be clearly documented in the report, 3. The latest approved 3 year’s MTREF operating budget (2024/2025, 2025/2026, 2026/2027), to provide for a basis to project the financial performance of the Municipality for the next 3 years. The format must be the same as the historical Income Statement aforementioned, 4. Also include the information of the Mid-Year Adjustment Budget for 2024/2025, 5. Appropriate corresponding summary tables (as prescribed by National Treasury) must be provided for the capital budget per Municipal Standard classification, 6. The LTFP must provide forecasting for the next 7 years, therefore 10 years in total if the MTREF period is added, 7. The following ratios must be provided for (Use the formulas as per Stellenbosch Municipality policies or if not included in the policies the formulas in the MFMA circular 71): 7.1. Current ratio, 7.2. Debtors collection ratio, 7.3. Employee cost ratio, 7.4. Cash generated from operations as % of own Revenue, 7.5. Cost coverage, 7.6. Debt to Revenue, 7.7. Gearing ratio, 7.8. Water distribution losses, 7.9. Electricity distribution losses, 7.10. Outstanding services debtors as % of total annual service revenue, and 7.11. Revenue growth, 7.12. Each input for these ratios must be linked to the model and data set or provide for separate easy input by municipal officials, 7.13. These ratios must be provided for the previous 3 years (historical), the next 3 years (as per latest MTREF), plus 7 years thereafter to complete the 10-year planning period, 8. Detailed explanation for variances on the above specified variances must be provided in the report, 9. In addition to the ratio, a list of financial indicators must be developed and presented in a “dashboard” format. These dashboard items will be provided by the municipality, 10. Sensitivity analysis of external funding calculations to indicate the impact on the financial position and future rates and tariffs of future borrowings within the policy framework of Council must be provided, 11. The municipality will provide the capital projects as encapsulated in the Capital Expenditure Framework, including the prioritization of capital projects for a 10-year planning period. The affordability envelope must be determined for the capital projects based on a funding mix. Assumptions and forecasts must be clearly documented, 12. The municipality has various ring-fenced reserves and provisions. The assessment must provide for the funding envelope of this for a 10-year planning period, 13. Link all information to the workings and assumptions that are being used, 14. The service provider must include the impact of all major current economic influencers such as load shedding, Eskom price increases, looming worldwide recessions, inflation indicators etc within the updating of the LTFP, 15. The report should include appropriate graphs, tables and figures, 16. Provision for a Net Present Value (NPV) calculator. (Offerte №120276123it)


Nazione: South Africa
Linguaggio: EN
Numero: 120276123
Data pubblicazione: 11-03-2025
Scadenza per le domande in : 6 giorni


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Re-Advertisement of Contract Number RFQ: GP873 (1974923): Tenders are hereby invited for the supply and installation of wooden staff lockers at DGM Academic, GaRankuwa Gauteng Region. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Expressions of interest are hereby invited for the procurement of a firm for consultancy services to develop a framework toward establishment of an academy for capacity development (with a greater emphasis on women and youth). The services included under this assignment are as follows: a. Review the Agreement Establishing the client, including the mandate and functions of the client"s institutions, and assess the capacity and institutional development needs of the client"s institutions, the State Parties, non-State Parties, Regional Economic Communities (RECs) as well as other critical stakeholders – drawing from previous reports on the task; b. Review client"s implementation progress reports concerning the preparedness of the State Parties for the client"s implementation to ascertain their institutional development and capacity building on the long-term, sustainable basis; c. Review the frameworks of training and capacity building organs of inter-continental and global trade and development bodies, such as the WTO’s ITTC, UNCTAD, UNECA’s IDEP, TRALAC, TRAPCA, ADI of AfDB, and WBI of the World Bank Group, and others, to get an insight on the organizational set-ups, operational mechanisms, tools and services and other arrangements employed to deliver training and capacity building; d. Assess the training and capacity building programs currently available and initiatives of a similar nature that are planned for the continent, and determine the potential niche areas of the Secretariat’s Academy; the possible collaborators and partners, including the private sector, the scope and operational nature of the Academy (e.g., should it be a stand-alone entity or embedded in a number of existing, elite academic and professional institutions on the continent); the tools and technologies appropriate for the scope of the Secretariat’s mandate, including virtual and physical delivery modes; and avenues for Secretariat to pursue in-house professional skills upgrade, etc.; e. Prepare a draft framework document of the Academy, laying out the form and shape of the envisaged Academy and charting a well-designed format (inclusive of private sector capacity needs), path, processes and technologies that the Secretariat can use in establishing a solid training and capacity building arm; f. Propose possible funding options, including partnerships with existing and planned initiatives that are similarly focused; g. Provide a framework for monitoring and periodic evaluation of the performance of the Academy in the delivery of its programs against its mandate; h. Organize a review meeting on the draft framework document for the Academy; i. Prepare a final report – Framework for Development of the client"s Academy. Countries: Multinational - African Union Member Countries. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the supply and delivery of materials for Withoogte. Specifications: - 50mm Class 16 UPVC Pipe – 6m Socketed, Qty: 2010m, - 40mm Class 16 UPVC Pipe – 6m Socketed, Qty: 1020m, - 20mm Class 16 HDPE Pipe, Qty: 100m, - 25mm Air valves, Qty: 10, - 63mm x 20mm Saddles, Qty: 6, - 50mm x 20mm Saddles, Qty: 6, - 40mm x 20mm Saddle, Qty: 6, - 63mm Ball valve, F x F, Qty: 3, - 50mm Ball valve, F x F, Qty: 3, - 40mm Ball valve, F x F, Qty: 3, - 63mm x 3” PVC Male Adaptor, Qty: 6, - 50mm x 2” PVC Male Adaptor, Qty: 6, - 40mm x 1 ½ “ PVC Male Adaptor, Qty: 6, - 20mm Ball valves, M x F, Qty: 10, - 20mm x ¾ “, M x F Adaptor, Qty: 20. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Formal written price quotations are hereby invited for the supply and delivery of ride-on mower for Ganzekraal Holiday resort. Specifications: Ride-on Mower for cutting of grass x 1: - Description: Husqvarna TS148 or equivalent, - 764cm / 3 cylinder displacement, - 18.15KW net power at present revolution per minute, - Petrol / fuel type. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the provision of accommodation, catering and conference facility services at Lamberts Bay. Scope: Accommodation sharing: - 24 March 2025 (check in) – 25 March 2025 (check out), - 20 persons, - One night, Catering: Day 1 – 24 March 2025: - 11:00: Arrival Tea & Scones for 35 people, - 13:30: Lunch to be served- Lasagne with Sweet Potatoes & Greek Salad, Cooldrink (35 people), - 15:15: Tea Break: Muffins or Croissants with juice, coffee or tea, - 19:00: Supper: Braai/Lamb with Sausage, rolls, salad and Cooldrink (30 people), Day 2 – 25 March 2025: - 08:00: English Breakfast (35 people), - 11:00: Tea Break: Scones with cream/jam/cheese, tea/coffee or juice, - 13:00: Lunch: Chicken Schnitzel with sauce, chips or Greek salad, - 500ml Water & sweets to be served on the tables for both days. Conference facility: - Data Projector, Sound, Flip Chart, - Conference room should hold a capacity of 35 people. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the supply and delivery of trailer for Ganzekraal Holiday Resort. Specifications: Supply and deliver: - Trailer, - 2M, 2 ton flatbed trailer with galvanised bars, - Spare wheel with handbrake, - Quantity: 1. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS