Re-Advertisement: Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Supply & delivery of cash float bag security seals, cash float & escorting gusset bags. Specification: • PVC cash float bag; Quantity: 100; • Numbered float bag security seals; Quantity: 80 000 (80 packs of 1000 seals); • Heavy duty PVC escorting/gusset bags; Quantity: 3. (Offerte №69922200it)


Nazione: South Africa
Linguaggio: EN
Numero: 69922200
Data pubblicazione: 15-09-2022


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Motore di ricerca leader per gare e acquisti in Russia e nel mondo

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Accesso completo
Quotations are hereby invited for the following: - 85 each x overall jacket; colour: orange; Size: 32/82; - 100 each x overall jacket; colour: orange; Size: 34/87; - 40 each x overall jacket; Colour: royal blue; Size: 54/137. Branding: CCT to be embroidered. Delivery Date: 2022/10/18, Delivery To: Logistics - Ndabeni Store Materials Store, Delivery Address: 25 Oude Molen Road, Ndabeni. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: - 45 each x jacket; padded; Material: nylon; Colour: navy blue; Size: 2xl; - 43 each x jacket; padded; Material: nylon; Colour: navy blue; Size: 3xl; - 1 each x jacket; padded; Material: nylon; Colour: navy blue; Size: 6xl; - 50 each x jacket; padded; Material: nylon; Colour: navy blue; Size: xl; - 50 each x jacket; padded; Material: nylon; Colour: navy blue; Size: xl. Branding: CCT to be embroidered on breast. Delivery Date: 2022/10/06, Delivery To: Logistics - Ndabeni Store Clothing, Delivery Address: 25 Oude Molen Road, Ndabeni. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Fleet: Panel Beating, Spray Paint, Glass Fitment: - Repair ca652212 - claim 7154961. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

JOSHCO invites all prospective service providers to submit bids for the appointment of a service provider to translate and print training manual in 3 different languages. Scope of work: 1. Translate training manual from English to Zulu & Sotho; 2. Print training manuals in 3 different languages; • 26-page booklet; • Size: A5; • Copies: 12 000; • 4-page cover on 250gsm; • Full colour on 150gsm • Saddle stitched. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

77910-TEA-J01 Sensor FOR HONDA CIVIC FC1 2016-2021 Fonte:

Re-Advertisement: uShaka Marine World invites eligible and accredited service providers to submit a written quotation for the following: Supply and installation of room alert licenses for 12 months. Specifications: Pro 12 Months: • 10 users; • 25 devices; • 10 links; • 180 days; • 10 sensors; • 25 alerts; • Unlimited notifications; • Advanced alerting; • Saved reports 7; • Public URLs; • Network camera; • Monitoring; • Firmware downloads; • Install new room alert manager; • Software support; - Qty: 3 (devices). Room alert APP 12 months: - Room alert App with push notifications, Qty: 3 (users). Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS