Re-Advertisement: Collins Chabane Local Municipality invites bids from prospective service providers for the following: Supply and delivery of heavy duty cylinder reel mower. (Offerte №72526897it)


Nazione: South Africa
Linguaggio: EN
Numero: 72526897
Data pubblicazione: 01-11-2022


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Цэцэрлэгийн хүүхдийн хоолны материал Fonte: Төрийн худалдан авах ажиллагааны цахим систем

Provision of Crowdstrike Falcon Premium with Falcon Overwatch Fonte: Tender Board - Kingdom of Bahrain

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Tramways building cleaning for a twelve months period. Specifications: • Tramways building cleaning of hall (1200 square meters); • Left wing (300 square meters) and the cleaning of toilets and ablutions. • Cleaning services to MBDA managed sites when required. Scope of works: Events Halls: • Clean and polish all stainless-steel including sink and taps; • Dust and polish all surfaces; • Collect recyclable materials; • Polish any metal surfaces; • Empty and clean waste bins; • Replace all bin liners; • Dust and wipe clean all surfaces; • Remove marks from walls and furniture; • Remove stains from carpets; • Thoroughly clean and or polish flooring; • Clean and polish all glass surfaces; • Deodorise room; • Wipe clean doors and jambs. b) Ablutions and toilets: • Thoroughly clean all hand basins with bleach cleansers; • Clean and sanitise all toilet bowls, lids, seats and cisterns; • Clean and polish mirrors; • Thoroughly clean and sanitise urinals; • Clean all walls and maintain in clean and hygienic condition; • Dust and wipe clean all sills’ ledges etc; • Clean and disinfect all flooring; • Polish stainless-steel fittings, basin taps etc; • Remove all rubbish from waste bins; • Clean windows; • Toilet cistern service ducts to be cleaned. Department: Marketing. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Black safety shoes with steel toe cap, Quantity: 265 pairs. Specifications: - Smooth grain leather; - Steel toe cap; - Double density sole; - Acid resistant; - Black. Contract Period: Once off. Required at: Addington Hospital. Province: KwaZulu-Natal. Department: Department of Health. Division: Central Supply Chain Management. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Mens black boots with safety toe cap, size: 6 and size: 8, Quantity: 70 pairs. Specifications: - Size: 8 x 40 pairs; - Size: 6 x 30 pairs. Contract Period: Once off. Required at: Addington Hospital. Province: KwaZulu-Natal. Department: Department of Health. Division: Central Supply Chain Management. Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS

Quotations are hereby invited for the following: Upgrading of internal roads and stormwater in Ward 09 (Phase 4). Fonte: ONLINE TENDERS